"But what if she is her, Mbali? What if she is the girl who owns my heart? Then what?" Hawi asked earnestly as she looked at her friend. She knew that this wasn't what they had thought possible.
For years they had lived their lives recklessly like they didn't have anything to tether them to the world of the living. They truly had lived like the world was just a horror show that they had been forced to be in.
It wasn't the easiest of things at the time and there was no denying that life had gone to shit at the same time.
The days that they had been as Rafael and Khalif had been the craziest of their lives and yet somehow, none of those wild days could ever match up to the day they had had today.
It was crazy, more than they had ever thought possible and it hurt because they were stuck in a world of maybes. Maybe they need to be courageous but then what would happen if that was the case for them?
Oh damn... is this Eniola again?