In the Sicario alpha's office, the sudden arrival of the alpha and his beta was something unexpected but thankfully, no one was in the room. If anything, it was like they had just come from a mission and were now taking a rest.
The only problem was that they had a psycho who wanted to kill them, one who wouldn't rest until she had their heads off; whatever her mission there was. It was a crazy time for them, but what else could they do?
"That was so fucking slow, dammit. Why the hell did you sputter blood in the portal? You do realize she was the one who could help us sort things out?" Dom asked when they found themselves in the alpha's office.
He was worried about what he had done, especially now that they had no warlock to keep them sane, or so Dom thought. But even with a new warlock, Jer's dumb state wasn't going to be any better.
What do you think Mbali will do?