"How is she?" Jer asked Elodie. He had been wavy from his wife the entire night and she was ashamed of even going there to meet her.
He was the sole reason she was in that state and frankly, that scared the hell out of him. He had worked his ass off and now it seemed like all his desires were slowly fading away.
The previous night with the elders, they had openly shunned and blamed him for the chaos that happened in Sicario. He had tried to explain to them that he didn't know Hawi was still alive but none of them listened to him.
They hated him and even kicked him out of the council meeting. He had wanted to come home to Malika, but what hope was there for him to come to? His wife was writing and there was no one who wanted to see him in Sicario.
There are 6 others?? bro what...