"You look well, Mi reina," Amina said, her voice hitting Mbali's ears like a breath of fresh air. It was so surreal even as Mbali stood rooted, trying to understand what the hell was going on. This wasn't even supposed to be possible yet here they were.
"You shouldn't be here," Mbali spoke, when her mind finally caught up with her mouth. She had a lot to say to Amina, a lot to introduce her to, and explore with her. She wanted to introduce Amina to the realm that had the weakest of all creations.
She wanted to let Amina know that there was more to life than war, that life on this other end was a little exciting, even though they were still on the hunt for their emotional well-being. It was almost like a gamble but one Mbali would never let go of.
I'mma cry now...