"Ruru, baby," Hawi began, not knowing how she was supposed to tell the excited woman that there were things she had to work on, things that didn't have to involve Rukiya this time. Or even that it was dangerous and Hawi was still going to go, even without backup.
"No backing out. I already have the outfits," Rukiya said, turning to Hawi with a scowl on her face, though it looked more of a pout than anything else.
She looked prettier and Hawi was honestly thinking of letting the world burn even just for a second so she could have more time with the woman in this room, but then she also knew that the stakes were a little high this time.
"Malika needs me," Hawi breathed out, and that got the attention of Rukiya.
She knew that Hawi wouldn't look so conflicted if it wasn't important. Rukiya had learned that Hawi and Malika were peas in a pod and if one needed the other then they would always show up for each other.
Is Malika hearing all of this??????