"He's the bad guy, not us. And I think it's too late for you to worry about our humanity, Rukiya. We are way past the red district of humanity anyway," Malika stated the obvious to Ruru who simply walked over to Malika and grabbed the blade for her.
She knew this was not going to sit well with Hawi and Malika but she had to try and save them from themselves. She had to be the reminder of what they once worked so hard for.
Ruru was right to some extent, they were so close to the goal and they were close to their freedom, but were these theories they were to pay for this?
"I won't let you ruin your lives like that," Ruru said and Hawi kept chuckling.
She couldn't believe this kind of bullshit was coming from the woman who had murdered almost the same number of people as her. This wasn't the time for a consistent nudge and they all knew it, but then she had to wait and see what Ruru was on about, right?
Man this guy really shouldn't be relaxed around Ruru of all the people