"She is my best and most loyal friend. Of course, I would never leave her vulnerable to magic. No amount of magic will ever work on her, for as long as I live. And I don't plan on dying anytime soon anyway.
"Go home Malika, wherever that is," Hawi said dismissively as she walked out.
"The fuck you just say?" Malika asked angrily as she went after Hawi. this wasn't a conversation she wasn't worried about having and in her anger, Malika used her magic to stop time, so that it would just be her and Hawi.
She may have switched bodies for a moment, but one thing about protectors was that their magic went with them, no matter what body they claimed. It was a norm and so Hawi wasn't even surprised at that.
"Are you deaf or what?" Hawi responded dismissively and Malika looked at her mistress like the woman needed to get some brain restructuring.
Not sure what I feel... Probably... Thanks, Malika???