"Oww, that's gotta hurt so bad," Trey said as he rushed to his sister, giving her a hug.
"He asked me if I was a puppet," Amina said with a lopsided smile and Trey snickered knowingly. He knew his sister hated being given preferential treatment and that was the one thing that could get Amina killing people for fun.
Trey had heard of the sinister things his siblings had done and he was being honest they needed a therapist. But then what was the point of hiring a therapist when they had each other to experience the insanity with, right?
"Then you should have thrown him in the bone crusher. We need more bone flour," Trey said and Amina chuckled. They were crazy, among the worst people to ever live and yet they knew each other so well.
Well that's sweet, Amina