"Are you fucking serious right now? What the fuck do you want?" Hawi asked angrily. Her eyes were focused on the frame with the little girl. Maybe the girl was her daughter and there was a chance that the girl wasn't even hers to begin with.
However, she could see herself in the little girl; a child protected so much, and yet left alone to be hunted. It was almost like the step out by the queen had been strategic, seeing how Kadiam and Dumi had insisted she be the one to deal with the rogues.
This here was a coup and Hawi was not ready for it or even what it came with, and Islinda was clearly baking on all of that. Oh, but Hawi could feel her rage rising so fast that if she wasn't careful, she would let out a fire breath here. That was insane.
These two deserve each other atp lol