"Or we could just kill you since you're the only weak link to the crazy psycho," Alex said and they all looked at him like he had lost his mind even though they were all thinking the same thing.
"What? Don't tell me we came all this way for a family reunion with the girl whose mother we killed indirectly," Alex added as if to prove a point. He hated everything that his siblings had forced him to join and he wanted out.
However, he couldn't get out right now because three of their siblings were dead and these women were the players in that mess. There was just no way to tell what the fuck would come from them next and Alex hated it.
He despised the fact that they had been bested and her family had been split into half.
Maybe if they had killed the baby before Razia went back to Greyson they wouldn't have had to deal with all of this, but then they were way past that point and they needed to manage all of this.
yay, go girll