"Do you think they noticed we were gone for so long?" Hawi asked Ruru who was still trying to catch a breath. The portal they had used wasn't the steadiest of them all and she was certain she was about to puke her guts out.
While she waited for her mate, Hawi looked around the room they had left earlier. It looked different and dusty as hell. Perhaps they had blown up things they don't know of. Or maybe someone had attacked the ship and they had defended themselves.
But in that case there should have been leakages in the ship, yet Hawi couldn't see any of them. It was like all of this was in their head, but was that it?
"Were they attacked?" Hawi asked as she readied herself to smack the shit out of someone into oblivion. She was so done with bastards trying to ruin what she had and this time she would hold back.
Oh shiteee... maybe they are delusional right?