"Hello, Sicario. First of all, my condolences for the deaths of our friends, warriors, and families. The ambush took away people that we loved and I want to promise you that we won't be ambushed again.
"I understand the pain all feel and for that very reason, I want to give you all the chance to choose. If you can fight, but don't want to, you can step back. However, if you can fight and want to join the battle, please set up the right side.
"This is not to discriminate. I know most of us lost our entire families and it would be selfish to ask you to fight for our home, when you have nothing anchoring you anymore," Jer greeted his people who had assembled on the second day that Hawi had given them.
He knew there were so many questions but that he would answer the mall later. They had things to attend to and with their dead already buried, there was only one way forward.
Jer has guts... someone tame this man