Drew was angry at how things had turned out for him and his crew. They had sailed the waters for years and years, and just one encounter with the cursed child of the realm, and here they were.
He had known at the time that there would be great risks when he accepted the damned mission but he hadn't expected things to get this complicated. What was supposed to be a one-way voyage turned out to be the craziest encounter they had ever had.
Now barely days after they had gotten the people they were meant to pick at the docks, they were in a ship that was docked in land with nothing but the mess that they had come with from the waters.
It was annoying as hell and infuriating as fuck because this was not fair. The mission was never supposed to be this complicated. But a part of him should have at least been ready for the madness that came with the Sicario girl.
This is complictaed as fuck