To say they were shocked at the outburst would be an understatement. The Savasci knights shrunk as their heads were bowed and their faces were filled with the realization of what they hadn't seen up to this moment that she lashed out.
They had been too preoccupied with their loss and too used to her shutting them out that they didn't see her signs for help. It was something that they hadn't really expected because they had always had her sit together even if the world was falling apart.
Maybe they should have paid more attention to her and her pain. And perhaps she was right about them. Rukiya Grey could have seen through her and found a way to make Hawi feel better.
She would have tried everything possible to make things work for them. Rukiya would have turned the world upside down just to see Hawi smile and yet they had failed at that, all eight of them.
"Hawi…" Elodie began carefully as she looked at her sister.
Well isn't this interesting lol