"Now what?" Amina asked once they were out of the cage and she held the Sifir in her hand. She could tell that this thing was of more value to them than it ever was for Hawi even though the mad woman had left it out there for them.
Awuor Haw didn't care what they wanted to do with the Sifir, because she knew they couldn't hold her anywhere with it. She was born with the power to decide the fate of so many people and this time she had given the Russels a chance to choose.
They could either run away or stay and wait for Hawi to come back for them once she was done with her little adventures in the temple, which clearly could take Hawi longer than they could ever think to consider. Well, the woman was a psycho after all.
"We make the toughest choice," Sebastian said, his tone cold as he looked at his siblings who could tell that something was wrong here.
Poor Amina, sigh