* I realized the last 2 chapters haven't been fixed for some readers... please reload for the current version. or you can remove the book from the library and add it back to the library. it should be sorted. thanks.
Going through the portal and leaving Rukiya had to be the hardest decision the wild girl had ever made in her life. She had been sure that there wouldn't ever be a reason for them to go to war with different sides and yet here she was, leaving, again.
It was something that had halted and while she couldn't get Rukiya's goodbye face off her mind, she hoped the goddess that trains through Razia Greyson would be way better for her.
She needed the anger to keep her going, because otherwise, she would be lonely and distracted, not to mention she would be stuck in a loop in which she would lose things all the damn time. She couldn't have that again.
Hawi is so sweet to bring them someone lmao