"Won't you be coming with me, sister?" Trey asked hopefully even though he could tell what her answer would be. His sister's heart had been broken again and he felt terrible for her but unfortunately, this wasn't a war that they could win.
"Of course… I'll just join you later," Amina said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
And that was also how Trey knew of the goodbyes that lingered in his sister's words. He wouldn't see her again for quite some time and he had no control over that anymore. He couldn't plead to her and make her stay for him.
He couldn't be that selfish to her too because he had seen the way the light had left her eyes when she walked out of Mbali's room. Fate was being cruel and Trey could only hope that in another life his sister would come back with him.
Fuucckkk... Amina sounds sweet though, sigh