"Oh, this is unbelievable. First I had to deal with Rukiya and her obsession with finding that alpha and now I have to deal with another one who is determined to make our lives difficult.
"What the hell is even this?" Adolf sighed as he looked at Hawi with a scornful face. He couldn't believe that he was going to deal with this again. He wasn't even halfway with Rukiya and now he was blessed with another one who was clearly going to drive him nuts than Rukiya herself.
"Heyy, I'm not worse than her. The old woman had refused to listen to her granddaughter. She's crazy for sure. Even with Hudhayfah's offer this woman is stubborn.
"Oh, I will bash her face in at this rate," Rukiya said and Hawi looked at her before lifting her stick again and this time trying to fight Rukiya only for her to fall into Hudhayfah's arms. It was like he was waiting for her to get to this side with him.
Someone help Malika take a breatehr lol