"So far we have two of the seven shadow warlocks, not to mention their little brother, Kurt, an autistic human – a very dead one, but not to worry. I'll revive the little shit over and over until I get the location of all seven dipshits.
"In total, the addition of that human makes the shadow warlocks a family of eight. We also need to keep in mind that they are dangerous, and they will keep coming, at least that much obvious," Malika explained and the team sighed.
"Well, we should get going then. I know we lost a lot of people, but stopping here and mourning won't bring them back. It's not what we want to hear or even deal with at the moment. It's not going to be easy; I know that.
"However, the longer we relax, the stronger our enemies grow and that is a pleasure we can't afford right now," Elodie said to the bunch that had gone through hell and was getting a little too familiar with that place.
This is bad... Very bad... but hey, another volume starts tomorrow woo!