"What is that?" one of the wolves who had seen the portal open asked as a figure stood rigid and unmoving from the point of the open portal. It was like whoever this person was, wasn't sure whether the portal had led him or her to the right place.
This was not something that happened in Sicario as frequently as any outside would have imagined and so it made little to no sense and yet at the same time, it made so much sense because of who they had all been waiting for, for so long.
"Holy shit," another wolf said as he looked above and around them. So much was changing and fast. It was like an apocalypse except for the fact that this didn't feel dangerous at all.
It was almost like a welcome home song which was range because everyone we came and those that weren't home were really away from them. Surely there had to be another tangible explanation for this mess, right?
Welcome home, bishh