When he had agreed to take up the mighty Alpha position when his mate was banished, Jer had been glad. If anything, he had felt like it was the greatest honor of his life. He had pride, love, and the loyalty of his people. They relied on him and trusted him.
However fast forward three years later, Jer wasn't sure what was what anymore. He had spent the past year of his life obsessing over the woman he loved choosing her over and over even when everything was chaotic. He loved her with all he had and didn't have.
Perhaps that was the kind of love he had wanted from Hawi and now he could only give it, to let Malika know what love was. Or maybe that was what he had wanted the whole time, to be in a seat of power and make the decisions.
Even then, why did it seem like all his decisions were wrong?
Dear Elodie... we hope you accept... sincerely, the leader of the Jer hateclub