With his Luna finally asleep, Jer went to his office. He wasn't sure his people wanted to see his face, so he didn't step out to them. However, just as he got it, he was met with a messenger.
Mbali herself.
She was standing there with a grim face as she looked at the Alpha. She looked bored, almost like she had been waiting for the Alpha for a long while, when she had just gotten there.
"What the fuck are you doing here? I could kill you for what you did to my wife. I will kill you eventually, why should I even bother sugarcoating anything? I will come after you and your ban of misfits and I will ruin you all," Jer said.
Mbali let out a louder laugh, one that echoed the empty and lifeless huge office, she coed seeing Jeremiah riled up and now that she could see his face, it was obvious he had been having a hard time.
Lmao whattt... these people are making my head hurt...
what the fuck do you even mean you're not strangling him alreaddyyy