"Your mother was truly out of names to have named you Sebastian… but that is not even important right now. Why are you here, Sebastian? Come to see if I'm hoarding more treasure?" Hawi asked with a chuckle.
The thick wooden scent was not even appealing to Hawi and given how she had known the man, there was no way that this was just a treasure hunt. Perhaps the man had been sent by Jer to come after her, but even that was too low for Sebastian.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Sicario," Sebastian said, coming out of the bushes in a different direction than the one Malika went through.
Hawi wasn't surprised though, she had known the man so well and she 'hated' his antics. Well, what else could she do when she always found herself with the man in the oddest of places?
If they hadn't been rivals in their hunts, they could have been friends.
Dear Hawi... Kisses from my side of the world and fangirling lol