"Mbali is in Sicario? Are you certain about that?" Rukiya asked, the disbelief on her face so evident as her eyes softened and she took a step back from Rio, making the sailor breathe in relief.
This was not what any go them had expected and Elodie wanted to know how the fuck the woman had managed to get out of Hawi's suite when they had been so certain the door was bound by magic.
Then again, the woman was Hawi's Mate so this was something that they should have expected nonetheless. Nothing was ever going to make any of this right if they didn't work together anyway.
"She's in her usual chambers," Elodie added like that was supposed to make Rukiya understand.
Well, the reaction they were expecting fell short of what Ruru showed them because instead of rushing to Mbali's chambers to check on the reality of what Elodie had just said, Rukiya just stood there like she was deep in thought.
What else does Hudhayfah know???