/ Magic / Chief of the Novice Village

Chief of the Novice Village Comic Chief of the Novice Village Comic

Chief of the Novice Village

26 Chapters 149.5K Views
Publisher: BILIBILI COMICS/Yingfei Comics
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I was a perfectly fine necromancer, so how have I ended up becoming the chief of novice village? But, since it's all set in stone, I'll just build a village that has a harem filled with beautiful young girls! Do you have a problem with that? I didn't think so! Let's begin the parallel world's novice village (harem) from scratch...

  1. Daoist8nXCEs
    Daoist8nXCEs Contributed 225
  2. Devin_Smalley_1237
    Devin_Smalley_1237 Contributed 225
  3. Silver_Moon_8237
    Silver_Moon_8237 Contributed 200


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