/ Adventure / City of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary Comic City of Sanctuary Comic

City of Sanctuary

34 Chapters 190.5K Views
Publisher: BILIBILI COMICS/Xiong Bao Bao,Ola Comics
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Fantasy was a popular VR game sweeping the world. Someone discovered that there was another way to enter the game, to bring the in-game items and skills back to the real world. The whole world was excited. But at the same time, it made death in the game come true. Fang Tian had been in the world of the game for over a decade. When he came back to reality, everything was going on quietly...
< adaptation of Xiong Bao Bao's novel of the same title, City of Sanctuary! >

  1. Bane_8483
    Bane_8483 Contributed 2573
  2. anthony_reynoso
    anthony_reynoso Contributed 1574
  3. SilverDr4gon
    SilverDr4gon Contributed 1574


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