/ Action / Let Me Game in Peace

Let Me Game in Peace  Comic Let Me Game in Peace  Comic

Let Me Game in Peace

Completed 129 Chapters 3.3M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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It costs a drop of blood for one life in the game. Others waste their time playing games, whereas I waste my blood. A dimensional storm befell Earth, and dimensional realms appeared everywhere. Immortals, gods, demons, angels, elves, and many other creatures from other dimensions came to Earth. However, all the mysterious dimensional realms became dungeons in a mobile game. Other people risk their lives to venture into the realms, but I just play the game like crazy.

  1. LillithJade_Vaughn
    LillithJade_Vaughn Contributed 5726
  2. Etheliel
    Etheliel Contributed 5506
  3. Kevin_Sanchez_0296
    Kevin_Sanchez_0296 Contributed 4245


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    Let Me Game in Peace

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