/ Action / Lucky Me: I Secretly Cultivated for 1,000 Years

Lucky Me: I Secretly Cultivated for 1,000 Years Comic Lucky Me: I Secretly Cultivated for 1,000 Years Comic

Lucky Me: I Secretly Cultivated for 1,000 Years

181 Chapters 2.7M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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Reborn in the cultivation world, Han Jue found that he could actually roll the dice to refresh his Spiritual Root Attributes and Innate Talents, just like in a game. To live long enough, Han Jue decided to practice his cultivation secretly and not to draw anyone's attention, but when the sect he was in encountered a calamity, he came forward. Thousands of years later, the cultivators in the cultivation world had changed from generation to generation. When the immortal world decided to "clean up" the mortal world, Han Jue had to stand out against it. Only then did he realize that it seemed the immortals were not as powerful as he had imagined...

  1. Tristan_Kennedy
    Tristan_Kennedy Contributed 41857
  2. Miles111
    Miles111 Contributed 38845
  3. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contributed 33455


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