/ Adventure / One Day I Became the Villainous Queen

One Day I Became the Villainous Queen Comic One Day I Became the Villainous Queen Comic

One Day I Became the Villainous Queen

63 Chapters 568.4K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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Game developer Chi Qian was betrayed by her boyfriend while working on a romance mobile game. Amid an argument, she was pushed onto the game server and suddenly found herself transmigrated into the game world as the main antagonist - Queen Catherine, the villain.

Now, Shen Chi Qian must navigate the challenges of seducing the king and avoiding detection by the princess. Desperate to escape the game, she purposely provokes the princess in hopes of meeting a swift demise. However, her plans are foiled by unexpected twists and turns.

  1. Potato_Dino
    Potato_Dino Contributed 3856
  2. violet_1119
    violet_1119 Contributed 2699
  3. babychoo
    babychoo Contributed 2148


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