/ Romance / The Barbarian Count Pampered Me

The Barbarian Count Pampered Me Comic The Barbarian Count Pampered Me Comic

The Barbarian Count Pampered Me

69 Chapters 588.2K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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Facing the miserable end of her life on the street, Alice extinguished the last candle and went back to when everything started to fall apart. Alice was timid and not good with words all her life until she witnessed the sinking of the giant ship Norton with her own eyes. She then realized that when disaster strikes, no one is spared. Alice would do everything in her power to guide her family in making amends.

  1. Dita6779
    Dita6779 Contributed 4145
  2. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contributed 3573
  3. Virginia_B
    Virginia_B Contributed 3268


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