/ Romance / The Lagy and the Lion

The Lagy and the Lion Comic The Lagy and the Lion Comic

The Lagy and the Lion

Completed 192 Chapters 1.5M Views
Publisher: Ranpo.Y + J.N.Gigabit
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The vigorous princess Hilna of the Western Empire encountered Latio, a hostage Prince from the Northern Kingdom. Their hearts got closer and closer with the days they spent together. However, the young King of the Eastern Empire, Nia, is also spying on them... Pitifully, the peace among the three countries is just a semblance. A war may break out at any moment. The childhood friends will have to choose between love and responsibility. With swo

  1. Maude_Fluckiger
    Maude_Fluckiger Contributed 4247
  2. Sugar_Nikita11
    Sugar_Nikita11 Contributed 3512
  3. Giovanna_Puentes
    Giovanna_Puentes Contributed 2892


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