/ Magic / The Sultry Demon King Wants Me

The Sultry Demon King Wants Me Comic The Sultry Demon King Wants Me Comic

The Sultry Demon King Wants Me

40 Chapters 333.7K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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Nebi, the chief saintess of the Holy Order, is forced to bear the heavy responsibility of fighting against the demon race. But Tatos, the feared leader of the demons, desires an intimate relationship with her. Tilo, the knight assigned to protect her, lacks common sense and insists on being guarded 24/7 and is even willing to give his body. Nebi originally wanted to hide, but did not expect that Tatos turned into a human appearing in the Holy Order, using various ways to lure her into his trap…

  1. Liza_Dmitrieva_3831
    Liza_Dmitrieva_3831 Contributed 2848
  2. Ploy_Boonchuay
    Ploy_Boonchuay Contributed 1574
  3. Sarah_Carlson
    Sarah_Carlson Contributed 1503


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