/ Action / The Westward

The Westward Comic The Westward Comic

The Westward

42 Chapters 116.8K Views
Publisher: Cheng kin wo
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In the age of ancient gods, there were eight tribes in the world, including Devas, Nāgas, Asuras, etc. These tribes were collectively known as the "Eight Legions of Devas and Nāgas" Legend has it that the Great Master Sanzang and his party went through untold hardships to obtain the Eternal Fire from, Bi’an, the Great Other Side. However, the world has not gotten better, and the dark force has gradually revealed its true intentions. For the sake of love and justice, Sanzang and his diciples old and new will once again embark on a journey to bring the Eternal Fire back to the west to save the world.

  1. Rereader477
    Rereader477 Contributed 377
    LUV2READ Contributed 375
  3. bws308
    bws308 Contributed 250


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