/ Magic / Trapped Inside the Beta Server for 1,000 Years

Trapped Inside the Beta Server for 1,000 Years Comic Trapped Inside the Beta Server for 1,000 Years Comic

Trapped Inside the Beta Server for 1,000 Years

68 Chapters 485.0K Views
Publisher: Ciwei Mao
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Trapped in the online game 'the Phantom Realm', Xia Ya has experienced 177 rounds of reboots and testing, conquering all the beautiful female NPCs, including the village girl, church priestess, dark elf queen candidate, and valkyrie chosen by the gods. After defeating all the BOSSes and clearing the game in over a hundred ways, 'the Phantom Realm' is finally open to the public! As more players join in, the once-static NPCs begin to change, and Xia Ya is determined to find a way out of the game during its public test...

  1. DaoistYemVOR
    DaoistYemVOR Contributed 2827
    THE_WILD_RAVE Contributed 2079
  3. ForgottenHours
    ForgottenHours Contributed 2071


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