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Kapitel 545: The Serpent God

For a moment after Hancock introduced Alex there was no movement or sound, as he studied them and they studied him.

For the women of Amazon Lily this was the first time any of them, aside from the few that had the privilege of sailing with the empress, had ever beheld a man. So, many of them were taking note of Alex and all the different things they could see and learn about men while they could.

For example, men possessed grotesque snakes that dangled from between their legs, accompanied by weird sacks. They were also far more muscular and rugged than women, while also possessing no noticeable breasts. Or perhaps his were just smaller like some women's tended to be?

Also men apparently didn't wear any clothes, and possessed no sense of shame.

But what stunned them most of all, was that men were extraordinarily beautiful!

They had all been told growing up that men were ugly and disgusting beings with no sense of self control, decorum, or elegance. Yet this man before them was beautiful enough to rival, no, SURPASS their own empress!

Of course, none of them would dare say that out loud.

And while they were studying him, Alex was studying them right back.

The women all around him were truly beautiful, which coincided their beliefs that strength and beauty reigned supreme. Alex was also surprised to see that several of them were walking around topless to let their breasts hang out for anyone to see, which made sense somewhat when they lived in a society that didn't sexualize them.

But the ones that REALLY captured Alex's attention was the three Gorgon sisters, Sandersonia, Marigold, and of course, Hancock.

The two younger sisters were studying Alex intensely and with suspicion, as if trying to divine his true intentions for coming to their island. Something that, admittedly, wasn't hard to do considering his nakedness.

But, despite their disdain for men, and despite the obvious intentions Alex had for coming, they still couldn't help the blush that filled their cheeks as they beheld a man more beautiful than their sister.

Hancock meanwhile was completely unable to look in Alex's direction, her face bright red as she encountered someone more beautiful than her for the first time. She was used to using her charms to get whatever she wanted, but had absolutely no defense to someone doing the same to her.

The one the least affected, though not by much, was Gloriosa, otherwise known as Elder Nyon.

"So YOU are the Dragon Emperor I've been hearing so much about." She stated while approaching him.

"That'd be me. Though I'm curious what you've heard." Alex said, since he'd been greeted in a manner he hadn't been expecting.

"Only that you're more powerful and beautiful than anyone else in the world. I was highly doubtful, but after seeing you here and now, any doubts I had have been blown away." She said while looking Alex up and down.

She was one of the only ones in the country with any REAL experience regarding men, and knew just how out of the norm Alex truly was. Especially with that monstrous Haki they'd all felt the other day.

"Really? I'm surprised since I was convinced Hancock hated me." Alex stated, surprising everyone else.

"Eh!?! W-why would I ever hate you!?" Hancock asked worriedly, though she still avoided looking directly at Alex.

"Well.... There is the fact that I haven't heard from you after we first spoke, plus you are notorious for despising men, AND I embody everything you hate in men." Alex said as he listed off everything.

"Oh? And how exactly is it you embody everything she despises in men?" Gloriosa asked curiously.

"I literally came here with the intention of subduing the entirety of Amazon Lily to add everyone here to my harem." Alex said while pointing out his exposed junk.


"Th-that is the most ridiculous and idiotic thing I've ever heard!" Gloriosa declared incredulously.

It wasn't THAT strange for a man to declare such, as she knew it was the dream of nearly all men to one day discover their island and do exactly that. It was part of why any man who set foot on their island, wether intentionally or not, was sentenced to death.

But they couldn't exactly do that with Alex now, could they?

Even without seeing him fight, Gloriosa could feel the Haki passively radiating from Alex's body. It wouldn't even be a struggle if a fight broke out between them.

This was incredibly frustrating for her admit, even if it wasn't out loud, since it meant admitting how 'weak' they currently were if a single man could risk destroying their entire civilization.

"Humph!" Hancock snorted, regaining her usual haughty attitude suddenly as she declared, "it's not idiotic when the one talking is Alex! Besides, we can only benefit from a union with him!"

She then turned her attention to ALL of the women watching them, and stated to them, "I will even stake my claim as empress to state that by joining the ranks of the Dragon Emperor's harem, we shall grow stronger than any force in our world!"

By this point Hancock had them all hanging onto her every word, and every single woman present was staring at Alex with a hunger in their eyes that was not present before. But what she said next REALLY won them over.

"Plus by bearing his daughters, the next generation of Kuja Pirates will be the strongest that ever existed! Strong enough that even an Admiral will never threaten us!"

Alex cocked a brow at all of the promises Hancock was making to her people, which weren't false, but it was still weird that she was basically preaching to them about spreading their legs and getting knocked up by him. He couldn't deny she had a point though, as his Saiyan blood alone would make them the best warriors on the entire planet, to say nothing of the resources and training his children all had.

"You know Hancock..." Alex drawled as he suddenly appeared right in front of her, making the proud empress turn into a shy maiden in an instant.

"It's all well and fine to sell me like that..." He continued while lacing his fingers through her fine robes. They were more regal and elegant than anything else Alex had seen her wear before in the manga/anime, obviously ceremonial in nature.

"But are you willing to lead by example?" He asked, before tearing away the garb suddenly so that she was standing naked before him and all her subjects.

If it was the Hancock before gaining access to the Chatroom, she would have recoiled while desperately trying to keep her back covered to hide the brand that blemished it. But the brand existed there no longer, leaving only pure and unblemished skin that she proudly displayed to everyone present.

And the effect was instantaneous as every single Amazon became mesmerized by the sight of both Hancock and Alex naked, the two most 'beautiful' people in the entire world.

"I would love to..." Hancock began, but her demeanor became dejected as she murmured in a voice only Alex heard, "but I have already been dirtied..."

That was the only problem Hancock had with giving herself to Alex, that he would not be the only man to embrace her as she desired.

Alex meanwhile looked her up and down as he thought on her words, before glancing at her sisters to see them too looking away shamefully. Of course the Celestial Dragons would violate her and her sisters during their time as slaves.

They were THE most depraved and unrestrained group of people in this entire world, and perhaps every world Alex had ever visited. They even put him to shame in their depravity since they operated on the logic that they were descended from gods, and therefore could do whatever they wanted with no consequence, even if they wanted to bed literal children.

"Tell me Hancock, even if it meant going through the pain of losing your virginity all over again, would you for me?" He asked her in an equally quiet voice, making her look up at Alex hopefully.

"Please!" She exclaimed, before Alex surprised her by kissing her suddenly.

As he did that, Alex repeated what he had done for Lala and the others back when he first liberated them from 'that man', by using Regeneration magic to restore her virginity, while also placing 'Windows' within her mind to block off the specifics of the memories she wanted so much to repress.

She would still know what had happened when she was younger in the back of her mind, but she would not be able to recall the specifics of what happened to her unless she genuinely wanted to. This would allow her to enjoy her 'first' time with Alex without it being tainted by the horrific experiences she went through. And of course Alex would also do the same for Sandersonia and Marigold, who were even younger than Hancock when they were enslaved.

The entire time he was doing this Alex was still kissing Hancock, with the kiss becoming increasingly passionate as the second's stretched to minutes.

And soon, in front of their audience, Alex went further as he roughly grabbed Hancock's butt cheek in one of his hands, while his other grabbed her leg on the opposite side to pull it up. She then responded by wrapping said leg around Alex's waist possessively while pulling herself closer, making to where there was no space between them whatsoever.

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know...."

"It's kinda exciting!"

All around the two of them, women were whispering amongst themselves as they watched the strange display.

None of them knew what a kiss was, and the longer they watched their empress perform one with this man, the more they wanted to try it themselves. Several of them even began to feel a certain heat rising within their bodies, making them rub their thighs together unconsciously as their panties began to grow moist.

"Just do whatever you want!" Gloriosa declared irritably as she turned to walk away, seemingly tired of dealing with all of the madness that now gripped Amazon Lily.

Neither Alex nor Hancock seemed to hear her though, along with the rest of the Amazon's as they focused on the two of them, and Alex and Hancock focused on each other.

Alex then did a controlled fall backwards while dragging Hancock with him, ending up with him on his back while she ended up straddling his waist.


"Just go at your own pace." Alex told her as Hancock appeared nervous for the first time. It was understandable though, considering what she'd gone through. So Alex intended for her to take the lead this time to help her separate his image with that of her former 'owner'.

He could tell though that Hancock was still slightly hesitant now that the moment was here, but, glancing around at the thousands of eyes watching her every move, Hancock steeled her nerves as she lifted herself up above Alex's towering cock.

Every eye was on them, watching curiously with growing excitement at the unknown actions Alex and Hancock were taking. And they were even more confused when they watched their empress gently take Alex's 'snake', and position it at the entrance to her vagina.

All of them knew of their vaginas, it was the place they peed from of course. But at that moment they began to wonder if they were something more as they watched their empress slowly impale herself on Alex's dragon.

"No way!"

"Is it going INSIDE her!?!"

"Men go inside women?!"

All around them echoed the exclamations of the astonished women, while only the select few that had children already stayed quiet. Truthfully, they were all cursing themselves for not being able to wait to have their children until Alex arrived, and were disappointed with themselves for settling with such 'lesser' men to impregnate them.

Hancock meanwhile was amazed at her much she was being spread open as she slowly sank down the length of Alex's shaft, right up until she reached something that shouldn't be there. Her hymen.


Looking down at him in alarm when she felt that, Alex just shrugged with a smirk as he said, "what? You didn't like being 'dirtied'."

A surge of emotions the like of which were completely alien flowed through Hancock when she heard that, allowing for a single tear to roll down her cheek as she looked down at the man she loved.

"Hancock?" Alex asked worriedly, before she did something he hadn't been expecting.

Without a single shred of hesitation, Hancock slammed her hips down onto his own all at once, taking his entire length inside of her.

"Ah!" She gasped lightly from the pain of losing her maiden hood...again.

"Hancock...!" Alex began worriedly, before she suddenly leaned down and sealed his lips once again with her own.

For a moment the two kissed, their tongues waging a battle that none of their audience could see, before she broke it and said to him with a passion-filled voice, "don't take it slow.... Fuck me and make me yours completely!"

Alex smiled widely when he heard that, his hands immediately slapping down on her ass to grip it tightly.

"Well, I better give my Snake Empress what she wants~!"

Saying so, Alex flipped over so that Hancock was pinned under him, pulling out nearly the entire length of his cock until only the head was left, before plunging it back into her.

The result was a cry of both pain and arousal coming from Hancock that was followed by many, as Alex proceeded to fuck her in front of her entire tribe in an act of both exhibitionism and education.

And with each thrust she became increasingly vocal in her pleasure, as Alex quickly learned where each of her pleasure spots were and targeted them. It wasn't long until the empress experienced her first ever orgasm, as her insides spammed and squirmed around Alex's member while she released a deep and throaty cry.

"What was that?"

"I don't know..."

"It looked so intense..."

The women around them murmured with increasingly heated expressions and looks at Alex, who had continued thrusting away into Hancock even as she came.

The only pause that came from him was when Alex flipped her over so that she was on all fours, and he continued fucking her from behind like they were a pair of animals. And she loved every second of it.

Even Marigold and Sandersonia, who had gone through the same horrors as her, felt themselves growing heated as they watched their elder sister being fucked. Both even going so far as to imagine themselves in her place, despite both of them being over fourteen feet tall.

None of them knew how much time had passed as Alex fucked Hancock in front of them in several positions, but they all heard her orgasm repeatedly as she screamed from each one. And then, finally, Alex came as well as he flooded her womb with a torrent of white seed.

"Oh my god!" Hancock cried as her belly swelled slightly from Alex's seed, making her feel 'fuller' than she had even a moment before.

And as he pumped the last few drops into her, Alex glanced up to see a few thousand women giving him passionate looks with several undressing themselves, while others even had their hands buried between their legs.

"I think this is going to be a LONG day." He said to himself, before Hancock proceed to wrap her legs around his waist.

"Again...!" She purred passionately, before they began round two.


If anyone had been watching Amazon Lily from the outside they'd have noted that Alex only stayed for a few hours, before departing in the same manner as he arrived in. The same could be said for the young children of Amazon Lily that had been sent away from the city on a 'field trip' by Alex before the orgy began.

But in actuality, Alex had spent nearly two weeks in the city itself after he altered the flow of time. And the entire time there was never more than a single moment where his cock(s) weren't buried in someone's holes.

From the moment he accepted Hancock's restored virginity, Alex had been fucking horny Amazons nonstop to the point that the only time he wasn't balls deep in someone was when he was moving on to the next person in line. And there WAS a line, as Hancock declared that only the most senior of the Kuja Pirates would be able to have sex wth him first, followed by the the progressively weaker members of their tribe.

And while the others were forced to wait their turn, Hancock and her sisters would readily take Alex for themselves whenever they had a moment. It was absolutely a complete abuse of authority, but none of the offended parties could complain when Hancock looked to them with teary eyes that made them swoon. A sight Alex found humorous since she'd be bouncing up and down in his lap while she'd do so.

But, it wasn't as if Alex had spent the entire time on Amazon Lily fucking horny and beautiful maidens. Even as he continuously had sex with them, Alex would also work on various projects to help the Amazons.

Firstly was a massive magic array that he created to protect them from outsiders.

Until recently, Amazon Lily and its citizens were protected from invaders by their location in the Calm Belt, which normal ships couldn't traverse due to the lack of wind/sea currents, and the massive sea kings nesting below them. The Kuja Pirates meanwhile had long since mastered traveling through the Calm Belt due to the massive serpents they had tamed generations ago, which would pull their ships through the water, and would keep sea kings from attacking them due to the fact that they were apex predators.

Recently however methods had been created by the Marines that had allowed them to safely traverse the deadly sea, with paddles attached to their ships to move them through the water, and Sea Stone being applied to their hulls as a form of camouflage.

As a result, Hancock had been forced to accept the invitation sent to her to join the Seven Warlords in order to protect her people from the possibility of a Marine attack.

The array Alex created however would engulf any ship aside from the Kuja's in a thick fog, rendering them unable to see or navigate through the water. As an added bonus, it would also drive the already overly aggressive and nesting sea kings to attack them, regardless of if they were camouflaged or not.

On top of that, Alex had also used Gravity magic to completely distort the magnetic field around the island, rendering compasses useless along with the log and eternal poses that could lead the Marines right to them.

Once there was no need to worry about invasion, Alex then went to work on their ships by using magic to reinforce them to the point that cannonballs would merely bounce off of them. He also installed a magic compass that would direct them to any location they wanted in the world, an item that the World Government would readily go feral to obtain, along with a special type of magic key that would open a portal for the ships to pass through.

This would make the Kuja pirates the most deadly crew on the seas since they could attack and flee anywhere they wanted at a moments notice.

But Alex saved the best for last.

Using the powers of Marigold and Sandersonia's Devil Fruits as a base, Alex used his divinity over Lycanthropy to create an entirely new race of Therianthrope, the Wereserpents.

With Hancock being he first he granted the power to, Alex created a fountain in the middle of Amazon Lily that would flow red with the few drops of blood Hancock had dropped into it. And any who drank from the fountain would become Wereserpents just like her.

The first to drink of course were both Marigold and Sandersonia, who's actual abilities didn't change all that much, but as with all Therianthropes they became significantly stronger, while also gaining an accelerated regeneration rate.

The rest of the Amazons quickly followed suit, with every single one gaining the power of a Wereserpent at random. Some would gain the abilities of a viper, making them stronger while allowing them to produce a deadly toxin to use in battle. Others would gain the sheer size and strength of a constrictor, combined with an armor-like scaly hide that they could call upon at will.

And finally a select few, like Hancock, gained the powers of both as a hybrid. These of course were already the strongest amongst the Amazons aside from the three sisters.

What Alex HADN'T accounted for though, was that the Amazons would then begin to worship him as a Serpent God after becoming Wereserpents.

This would lead to the second title he would acquire since taking Hancock as a wife. Well, it was only one he'd acquired, while his previous title of Amazonian Husband changed to King of the Amazons at some point.

It was another unique title, like his Monkey King title, which was why it hasn't changed to Emperor instead of King. But basically the effects were the same, as it gave Alex sovereign control over all Amazons, and would even influence those from other worlds.

And as Alex did all of this, while continuously having sex the entire time, Gloriosa was completely dumbfounded.

She had thought Hancock was exaggerating when she sang of the things Alex would do for them, but all at once he had singlehandedly solved their biggest problem, and granted their entire tribe strength like none of them had ever known. Even more incredulously was that that strength was so much like the power of a Zoan Devil Fruit, yet they were able to retain their ability to swim.

Gloriosa knew this since she too had sampled the blood from the fountain. Not only had she regained much of her strength and vigor from her youth, but she was able to turn into a vibrant purple viper at will, along with a hybrid form that made her look like a Lamia.

So she had complicated feelings when she attended Alex's farewell feast with the rest of the adult Amazons, where he was lounging on Hancock's throne as she personally fed him. She was sitting upon his lap of course, and both of them were naked along with all the rest of the Amazons.

And up on the throne, Alex was living it up as Hancock fed him another bite of the succulent meat from a massive boar that previously called the island home.

And with each compliment Alex gave her, as she had personally cooked the food he was eating, the usually cold empress would squirm and wiggle bashfully on his lap. It was a rather humorous sight to him since she was currently impaled on both of his cocks, which she had insisted on for one last time before he departed.

"You know Hancock..." Alex began as she prepared the next bite. "You don't have to act so desperate. I did make a portal for the Amazons to use to enter Asora whenever they wish. You can even spend every night in the space-time orb with the rest of us if you want."

"Of course I will!" Hancock exclaimed, her insides tensing and squirming around him with her declaration.

"It's just... After today I'll have to share you with the rest of your wives..." She said dejectedly afterwards.

"Hancock..." Alex said while placing his finger under her chin, and lifting her head gently to look at him. "Anytime you want me to yourself, you just have to say so. I can set aside plenty of time for you whenever you want."

The pirate empress smiled sweetly at Alex's words, though he couldn't help but inwardly remark how she'd already had to share him with her entire tribe while he was there. Well, he says 'share', but she did claim him for herself whenever she wanted while he was there.

A few hours later they were all dressed for the first time since Alex first arrived, and he had removed the time distortions on the city before making his way to the coast. Hancock walked him out along with the rest of her people, all of who were lamenting his departure.


"Please don't go!"

"I want a baby!"

Even as all of the Amazon's voiced their protests, Alex still prepared to depart since he still had places to go. Since things went so well with Hancock, his plan was to make it to Fishman Island before nightfall. But, Alex still had a couple stops to make on the way.

"I'll miss you..." Hancock whined to him.

"I know, but I'll see you later." Alex said to her, while smiling at how clingy she was being.

He then gave her one last kiss, before transforming himself into a large shark and jumping into the ocean.

Hancock watched the sea as Alex swam away, her heart already filled with longing, before turning towards her people. Her expression was back to its beautiful and cold self as she declared,

"Kuja Pirates, prepare for war!"


"And we'll move docks three and four over there, five and six over there, while seven will go over there before the new docks eight, nine and ten." Iceberg stated while pointing out several different sections of the island that Alex had raised.

Now that they had more than ten times the amount of space than their tiny little island had previously, Iceberg was planning a massive expansion of both Galley La and Water 7. Of course, they had to completely remake the station for the sea train first.

But that was being handled in record time thanks to all of the skilled craftsmen that Iceberg had under his employ. The only problem was that they were short both Rob Lucci and Kaku, but that was understandable considering they'd both tried to assassinate him.

"Hmm?" Iceberg hummed as a new sound reached his ears amidst the sound of construction all around him.

Looking up in the sky, he found a massive green dragon approaching the island.

"Oh? I haven't seen HIM in quite a while." Iceberg mused as the dragon circled the island once, probably scoping out all of the changes made to it, before apparently spotting him as it touched down right in front of him.

"Iceberg." The dragon said as it transformed into a young man with vibrant green hair.

"Drake. I'd ask if you were finally going to let me examine that beautiful ship of yours, but it appears as if you didn't bring it." Iceberg said while glancing around.

"No, I'm in a hurry." Drake stated with a sense of urgency in his voice, before stating much more firmly, "Tell me where he is."

"Who?" Iceberg asked, not knowing who Drake was referring to.

"The Dragon Emperor."


"Ares-Sama! We've received word that the Dwarves, High Elves, Dark Elves, Light Elves, and even several of the Beastmen tribes are marching onto Orario!"

"Excellent." Ares stated, before looking out at all of the gathered might of Rakia.

They had mobilized their entire kingdom while also spreading horrendous stories regarding the new ruler of Orario, the Dragon Emperor. It didn't matter if the rumors were true or not, so long as they did their job of getting the armies of the other kingdoms to mobilize.

All Ares wanted was war, and this was looking to be the greatest war that he had ever witnessed!

"Ares-Sama, we've caught some more people trying to reach Orario!" A soldier declared suddenly.

"Good. Bring them forward." Ares said as the guards led a line of travelers and merchants to him.

"What is the meaning of this!?" One man demanded, despite being face-to-face with the God of war.

"We are trying to spare you all." Ares stated while looking over all of them, before his gaze settled on a young boy.

"Boy, why are you trying to get to Orario?" Ares asked him.

"U-um... To be an adventurer..." He said quietly.

"An adventurer?" Ares parroted, surprised.

"Yeah!" The boy declared, seemingly becoming more excited.

"I hope to one day be a hero, like the heroes of old!" The boy stated excitedly with bright eyes, though those around him just him looks of amusement.

Ares however wasn't amused.

Instead, he had noticed a slight fluctuation around the boy as he declared his dream of being a hero. Something only a God would notice.

"So you want to be a hero, boy?" He asked him, making the boy suddenly turn red from he'd declared his dream so suddenly.

"Y-yeah..." He said bashfully.

But, rather than ridicule or mock the boy for his dream, like he had been expecting, ares surprised him by saying, "Would you like to join us boy?"

"What!?!" The boy exclaimed when he heard that.

"Yes, I would like you to join the Rakia kingdom, and help us take down the evil Dragon Emperor." Ares stated, lying to the boy of course. But if that fluctuation of fate was anything to go by, then this boy could be quite valuable once he had been trained a bit.

"Come, and I'll grant you my Falna boy." He said, gesturing to his tent.

"Thank you sir! My name is Bell by the way. Bell Cranel!"

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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