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Kapitel 15: Izuna

Mukuro made them put on a cloak that disguised their chakras as they left the site. There were only two types of shinobi battles, ones that were finished with a complete annihilation of the enemy in an instance. The other was one they were currently in the middle off, a battle of equal strength that happened within a large battlefield. With the speed of shinobi in general and the destructiveness of certain techniques, the area of the battlefield was subjected to spontaneous changes. What would start of as a small battlefield would turn into a big one, and a big battlefield could be shortened into a small one in the next instance.

This was clearly the former as Mukuro saw two chakra signatures appear in front of him. While one was taken care of by Mukuro the other was taken care of Kakashi, both using Chidori. Mukuro looked at Kakashi as he also looked back. The awkward silence remained for a split second when a shinobi jumped behind Mukuro only for him to dodge by crouching and summoning a rasengan to retaliate.

It wasn't just the Senju and Uchiha now. Many smaller clans and hired mercenaries had also smelt the battlefield. With both groups looking ways to profit from the situation, the clans also looked for ways to weaken the two dominant ninja clans of the current era.

Naruto looked shocked with Mukuro using rasengan before Sakura quickly bumped his head with a fist to stop the boy from spouting nonsense. However, while this sort of comedic situation might have worked in another scenario, it rather backfired here as Naruto fell behind. Before he could react, ninjas were already upon him.

Kakashi immediately body flickered as he grabbed Naruto killing a couple of the ninja while Mukuro finished the rest. As the number of chakras surounding them grew, Mukuro signalled to Kakashi who immediately understood. Focusing on retreating with Naruto, the four future ninja's grouped up as Mukuro immediately went in another direction, towards where most of the chakras were.

The group rushed to the formation site as they entered room. The dead body of the boy was still there but was ignored. The group ran forward and Mukuro followed with a heavy breath. He could feel the burden on his body, but he had no choice but to continue.

"I'll hold anyone coming in, try to find a way back from here."

Feeling a few chakras come in, Mukuro looked back to see various chakras grouping at their location. As they came into view, he knew they were enemies by looking at the clan symbols on their forehead protectors, so he quickly made work of them. Looking back he saw a frog in the middle of the group, it seemed that they were trying a reverse summoning jutsu through time or something. He paid no heed as the plot armour on Naruto would make it work.

With more and more shinobi appearing towards their location, Mukuro started protecting the group.

He could feel the concerned gaze of the four but paid no heed, his sharingan was spinning and marking appeared beneath his eyes. Getting rid of the first group he appeared in front of the four, he looked at the frogs drawing a seal with runes he couldn't understand.

"I wonder how far off in the future have you guys come from."

While the four looked at the figure with injuries, respect appeared from the bottom of their hearts.

"I hope the Uchiha clan is still their…"

The four heard the words and looked at Mukuro. Before anything else could be said, Mukuro felt another group coming in. Looking back he once again disappeared from his place and started fighting the shinobi that came. With a black lightning covering him he started a massacre. But the numbers were overwhelming. A kunai soon found its way to one of the frogs which was blocked by a shuriken thrown by Mukuro. However, this left an opening and a sword found its way to his Torso.


With that scream, Mukuro killed the responsible shinobi and jumped in the air. Seeing the seal being completed and a thumbs up from one of the frogs, Mukuro let out a smile as his three tomoe started spinning.

"You shall not pass!"

With a firm will, Mukuro smashed the pole of his naginata on the ground as a white skeletal form appeared surrounding him. Looking back, he gave the group a smile and a wink as they disappeared before turning to the shinobi in front.

"Let's end this shall we."

This whole situation that had taken place was buried. Children being kidnapped was a sign of weakness that the two clans were not willing to let out, lest someone tries the same. With the ones being involved buried, only a select few people knew of this incident but one thing would be known to everyone, when Uchiha Mukuro massacred hundreds of ninja's alone and backed to the corner.

Time passed, and before he knew it, Mukuro was already 25 years old. The tailed bests started making a name for themselves three years ago, but in Mukuro's current condition he couldn't do anything. Mukuro, however, he didn't look a day over 18. It seemed that his aging had slowed, but it didn't mean that the others were suspicious of him, but that it was just a side effect of his health. Mukuro had concluded that every five years was similar to a year and more for his aging. Due to not being properly fused with the blood, he hadn't achieved true immortality yet. To be honest, they had never thought that Mukuro would live this long but it seemed that he had lived through.

The most glad were Izuna and Madara as they felt worried every time they went into the battlefield, fearing that they would return to the new of Mukuro's death. This wasn't healthy, but the two trained like madmen. Mukuro also didn't neglect training but he wouldn't do anything that will ruin his health, apart from increasing his control and learning some healing arts, he also tested out the strength of his MS.

While one was related to time, the other was related to illusions, his main talent. His left eye, 'Takamimusubi,' was able to slow down time to a standstill, allowing him to analyse anything within his eyes. However, the longer he used it the more it hurt causing him to shut it off. Right now the limit was around five seconds before he had to shut it off, but five seconds was a lot to see. Back when the two souls merged, it seemed to have increased his analytical abilities and made his ability to process things faster.

Adding that to his left eye's ability made the combo stronger. His right eye, 'Kamimusubi,' was an illusion technique similar to a combination of Itachi's Tsukuyomi and Shusui's Kotoamatsuki but it would summon a person into his illusional world of blood while making them feel that they weren't put into an illusion. It was a tricky concept but it was frightening one. As for the time that passed, it was less that Tsukuyomi, a few seconds was half a day but half a day was still 12 hours. He would have to make eye contact though unlike Kotoamatsuki where the user didn't.

Apart from that, most of his time was spent in the bed being served day in and day out. It was fulfilling but there was always this itch in his hands to go out with his naginata and fight, he couldn't help it, the Uchiha were a battle clan. So one day he decided to just get up and move towards where the current battle was taking place. Apart from that, he had this nagging feeling at the back of his mind telling him to go. An unsettling feeling accompanied that in his heart making him have no choice but to go.

Along the way, Mukuro tried his best to remember the anime because if he was feeling this unsettled, there had to be a reason. No matter how much he thought of it he couldn't remember, he never had a cheat like eidetic memory but he was able to remember most things. Just as he happened on the battlefield, he saw Tobirama and Izuna duelling while Madara and Hashirama were also fighting against each other.

Suddenly, Tobirama threw a group of kunai at Izuna who had a prideful look on his face. This attack made Mukuro suddenly remember a scene from the anime. Just as he was about to shout Izuna's name he saw the latter dodge the fatal attack that would have killed him. Mukuro sighed a breath of relief only to realise that it was due to his presence that Izuna worked so hard and dodge that fatal blow. Still, one could tell that the Uchiha were being pushed back.

Just as he was about to move forward, he saw Tobirama flash behind Izuna and attacked to incapacitate the latter. Yet Izuna never saw this and attacked with the intention to kill. Tobirama however was forced to increase his attack and left a fatal blow on Izuna's chest.

Madara felt Izuna's chakra fluctuate and wain when he turned around and saw him collapse. What suprirsed him even more was the shout of someone that he didn't expect at the battlefield,


Like him, Mukuro also appeared next to Izuna and swung his naginata at Tobirama. Hurrying and using Hiraishin, he appeared next to Hashirama and looked at the three. The two were once more surprised seeing Mukuro as the last time they saw him was 10 years ago. Now though they saw his look and immediately figured it out, currently Mukuro had a sickly pale look as if someone suffering from an illness. It was like the slight wind would topple him over and kill him.

The two remembered Mukuro fighting toe to toe against them 10 years ago and always wondered where his strength was now. These thoughts were pushed to the back of his head as Hashirama came forward, offering peace to Madara. Madara looked around and saw all the damage the battle had done. He started hesitating and was about to say yes when Izuna refused.

"Don't be tricked by them…"

Fearing Izuna's health further deteriorating he was about to escape with he heard Mukuro's voice.

"Go ahead without me."


"Just go!"

Hearing the determination in Mukuro's voice Madara couldn't do anything and quickly escaped with Izuna. He really wanted to get him to a doctor. Madara threw a smoke on the ground as he left. And when it cleared only Mukuro was left. Tobirama got his weapon ready only to be halted by Hashirama.

He looked deeply at Mukuro as the latter also did. Suddenly, Mukuro felt something stir within him and a pain in his chest, causing him to cough out some blood. The surviving Uchiha quickly came next to him and helped him up. Mukuro thanked them for his help, it seemed that sudden movement when he appeared next to Izuna was quite taxing.

Seeing the Senju also regroup, the two sides got ready for battle. Right now, the two sides looked ready to battle as both Mukuro and Hashirama put their hands up, stopping their sides. With a stern tone Mukuro ordered,

"We're leaving."


The Uchiha were surprised but immediately realised why he said it. Most of their fellow clan members were either exhausted or injured. However, this didn't mean that the opposite side will let them go, but with Hashirama saying the same thing they kind of relaxed. There wasn't anyone in the world that didn't know Hashirama's character and the two group left.

This didn't mean that there weren't one or two that didn't listen but with Mukuro looking at them with his mangekyou and Hashirama overpowering them with his monstrous chakra, that group gave up their idea. Madara saw Mukuro return with a group of Uchiha who were reunited with their families. Looking at them, Mukuro spoke,

"Take some time off with your families, you don't need to participate in the battle for now."

A smile appeared on their family's lips and Mukuro saw a young girl come and hug his knees while saying thank you. Mukuro then immediately hurried to their house where Madara was standing there with a worried look. This immediately dampened Mukuro's hopes as there was nothing he could do. This was war, and the doctor's healing arts were better than his with his knowledge in medicine. He doubt he was a doctor in his past life, but all he could do was pray. He thought of turning his brother as well but that was thrown out from his mind as soon as it entered. From what he knew, immortality wasn't for everyone, and he knew, with Izuna's character he would later get tired of his life.

Plus as a member of an Uchiha clan, he would rather die as a warrior rather than of old age. Like this a couple days went past and the time the two were dreading came, Izuna was dying. The had tears in their eyes and looked at their brother laying in white looking at them. He didn't cry but just smiled as he looked at them. He knew his time had come and there was one thing left to do.

"Nii-san, take my eyes."


Izuna didn't explain further as he knew his brothers had got him. While Madara was reluctant, he ended up complying. Madara wanted Mukuro to take his but the latter rejected, saying that there was no point in doing so. Still, Madara kept his eyes in a sealing scroll and went forward with the procedure once Izuna breathed his last.

Madara had gotten his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

A couple days later, Madara was ready to leave for one more confrontation against Hashirama. As he was leaving he saw Mukuro standing there in his armour, leaning against the wall. As he was about to stop Mukuro from coming, his brother beat him to it,

"I wont be listening to you."

The two went outside and saw a group of Uchiha standing their with determined faces, the Uchiha were in a losing battle against the Senju but still many came upon knowing that this was a final battle. It was all or nothing.

Upon a battlefield, the Uchiha and Senju were looking at each other. No matter which side it was, they both knew that it was the final battle for the current generation. As for the future, no one thought about it, all that mattered was the present. The Uchiha had a lower number than the Senju but their morale didn't wain.

Seeing Mukuro in front of them and the absence of Izuna, Hashirama questioned,

"Where's Izuna?"

"He succumbed to his injuries."

Hashirama was silent in response but tried to persuade Madara in stopping the fight but the latter didn't listen. With his lead, the two group charged at each other like two tsunamis and clashed. However before that, first came all the kunais and shuriken throne in which Mukuro replied by tensing his right hand and sweeping his naginata. Mukuro had entered sage mode, bringing up his declining strength. With that one sweep, most of the thrown projectiles were pushed back and the rest were taken care of by others.

'Sage mode?!'

The two Senju brothers were surprised but collected themselves. Hashirama was faced of against Madara while Mukuro took Izuna's place against Tobirama. Mukuro and Tobirama didn't speak, and just engaged each other. Shinobis lost their lives one by one, yet the four continued fighting. It wasn't until a signal was given out, making the clans retreat but that didn't mean that the four stopped. While Hashirama had summoned his wood golem and Madara his Susanoo, Mukurow was fighting Tobirama's speed with speed. A black lightning snaked across Mukuro's body as he fought Tobirama. Whenever Tobirama used Hiraishin, Mukuro was already blocking his attack countering it whenever he reappeared.

Right now, Mukuro was using his ability Takamimusubi to see where Tobirama would appear next. Mukuro was able to slow down rime to a certain extent for a longer period of time. The slower he made time, the quicker it strained his eyes. The two traded many blows and almost killed Tobirama a few times if it weren't for his Hiraishin. Jumping back, Tobirama created hand seals at incredible speeds,

"Water release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique."

What resulted was a large water dragon appearing behind Tobirama and shooting towards Mukuro. Mukuro also replied with his own technique while only using one hand to create seals,

"Fire release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

A large ball of flame left his mouth and met with the water dragon in the middle. Both cancelled each other out, creating mist that surrounded the two of them. His Senju senses allowed him to catch Tobirama using a technique and another Tobirama appearing next to him.

'Shadow clone jutsu?'

He never knew when Tobirama created this technique and he was pretty sure that it was created after the founding of Konoha. But now it seemed that it was already created. Mukuro never thougth of his influence reaching outwards onto the two Senju brothers. But when they fought 10 years ago, it actually made the determination of the two brothers to get even stronger increase. The real Tobirama disappeared into the ground while the shadow clone stayed above.

Tobirama couldn't think that Mukuro already knew of the Shadow clone technique and had thought of a plan to counter Mukuro. Mukuro decided to go with Tobirama's plan and attacked the shadow clone. The shadow clone only saw Mukuro's shadow get closer until he jumped out of the mist attacking him. The shadow clone was 'surprised' with this and watched the naginata drive straight through his body.

As soon as this happened, another Tobirama jumped out and swung at Mukuro with his sword. Already expecting this, Mukuro revealed his other hand with a Rasengan. Striking the other Tobirama with it, both of them puffed into smoke while a third Tobirama appeared from beneath him. Mukuro didn't expect this and the third Tobirama thrust his sword upwards causing the former to barely dodge by stepping back. Still, both of Mukuro's hands were occupied and now the real Tobirama was striking down.

Feeling the danger get closer and closer, Mukuro activated his other eye technique, Kamimusubi. Tobirama was just about to swing down when he suddenly found himself in a world of blood. The sky was a pure black, one that no light could escape from while the ocean of blood surrounding him.

DemonicPanda DemonicPanda

I did say that this was the only novel I had written ahead off, but just never got round to publishing it.

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