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I Have Too Many Spawns I Have Too Many Spawns original

I Have Too Many Spawns

Autor: Charlottes

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Coco Adel

As you know me, the usual me tis is definitely a harem kind of? Story, since our main character is someone who can't keep his dick on his pants, basically he likes to fuck, but that's a story for another as this will be more focused on the consequences of his man slutting actions, his spawns, meaning his children from various worlds.

It just hit him like a serious punch from Saitama, he realized that due to his man slutting action, he completely, you know forgot to take care of his spawns and it made him feel guilty and responsible.

As a Multiversal God since birth, he had little understanding of mortal common sense, but now it hit him.

It was time for him to be responsible, he had to take care of all of the children because of his little man's slutting actions.

In short, he's a terrible person and he only realized that even so he's still a terrible person and didn't change the slightest, he just gained some sort of enlightenment.

Anyway, the story is about how he handles his responsibility and starts changing.


Coco Adel had a dream, since young age has been wondering who her father is, or where he was, worse she never knew what he looks like aside from her mother mentioning his appearance.

Her mother said that her father was handsome beyond belief(her words not mine), she said that he was even more beautiful than most women, and his skin makes women jealous.

That's the main reason why her mother fell for her father because he's good-looking, he's like an angel that fell from the sky, according to her mother apparently.

But Coco was sure that it was BS, there's no way someone THAT beautiful exists unless they're in love, of course, it's just her mother's delusions of a maiden falling in love with a hunky man.

As for his personality, her mother said that he was a pretty energetic person but somehow lacked some common sense. Honestly, Coco doesn't know what to think about that.

Anyway, her dream is to meet her biological father face to face so that she could ask him why he left them, and if his answer satisfied her, maybe, just maybe they could become a 'real' family.

A father figure is something she was lacking, Coco wanted to at least feel what it's like to have a father.

Even before she attended beacon academy she tried to find information about her father, aside from his appearance she never knew his name, that's why she's stuck.

For years, she found nothing about him, after all, there are apparently plenty of 'handsome' men in their late forties, gosh she was so embarrassed when she mentioned it to an information broker, she can't believe she just said it.

The information broker thought that she was thirsty for older handsome men, which is not!

Okay, maybe a little bit, but that's not the point, she never managed to find her biological father due to the lack of information.

Coco couldn't help but sigh if she wanted her search to progress she would have to graduate first and become a full-fledged huntress so that she could access some hunter-only information.

Either, finding her father isn't the priority for now, as for today she's going to go shopping!

Coco grinned as she arrived at the mall clothes shop, just looking at the new trending set of clothes made her feel some excitement!


It's one of the few things in life that makes her feel alive! Coco is a bonafide fashionista after all!

She was skipping steps as she went inside the shop, her fingers touched her chin and spoke, "Now, which trend should I try today?!"

Coco was certainly loaded today, as she just finished a huntress mission with her team a while ago, she always has money to spare for her fashion hobby!

Not that she's rich or anything, her family is pretty decent, and most of the money that she spends on her hobby comes from part-time jobs or missions.

As she started picking what kind of fashion trends she was going to try wearing, the corner of her eyes caught something, rather 'someone'.

Her eyes widened as she got a better look of 'that' someone, her brain circuits froze for a moment before screaming internally, 'Holy Huba Huba! What a handsome hunk!'

The person that she just saw is probably the most handsome person that she ever laid eyes upon, it was not a lie, from a young she had seen plenty of handsome men, but this man in front of her is from another league, h-he's too perfect!

However, as soon as she noticed his clothes, she couldn't help but gag.

His fashion sense sucked!

Oh, how badly she wanted to drag him and change his abomination of clothes! He's wearing a scarf in summer!

And t-that shirt! She would rather not mention it, damn it her fashionista sense is screaming for her to end this man's abomination of clothes!

While she was glaring at the man's terrible clothes, the man in question was looking at her and smiled as he approached her.

"I finally found one of my spawns! Hello, there girl! I'm your father! Feel free to call me daddy!" The man said a bit loudly, and everyone in the shop was now gawking in their direction.

Coco couldn't open her mouth for a few seconds, before saying, "Excuse me?"

Coco Adel is a woman on a mission, and that mission is, to run away from that crazy 'handsome' freak, yes she had to add 'handsome' even though he's crazy because it's the truth.

"Wait! Wait! Stop girl!" The crazy 'handsome' freak was still chasing her.

"Why would I?!" Coco replied in annoyance.

"Because I'm telling you to!" The crazy 'handsome' freak demanded.

"Hell no! Stop following me, freak!"

"Girl! You're calling your father a freak?! It actually hurts me a little ya know?!" The crazy 'handsome' freak acted like hurt and it made her even more annoyed, angry even.

"That's why you're crazy! You're delusional, there's no way you're my father! You're too young!" Coco shouted with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Young?! I'm older than the universe itself girl!"

Coco couldn't take it anymore, she snapped and took off her glasses, she glared at the man with an equal level of annoyance and anger.

"Fuck off, please! You're annoying!" Coco then shifted her handbag into a Gatling gun and pointed it at the crazy man in front of her.

"If you don't get out of my sight in 3 seconds, this thing here will fire at you." Coco threatened the man, of course, she wasn't serious about firing her gun at the man, he's a civilian and she's a huntress, it's a bit overkill, she just did this so that he would leave her alone.

She was sure that this threat would work with most people, but the man in front of her was hardly like 'most' people, she speaks of.

Instead of getting scared, the man became amused at the sight of her pointing a Gatling gun at him.

"Psssh, really girl? You threaten me with that toy?"

Coco was stunned, she wasn't sure what to do at the moment, this wasn't how she expected him to react at all!

The man continued to approach her, Coco flinched at every step he took, who was this guy?

Why isn't he running away as most people do? Is he perhaps a professional huntsman?

No, no he was too young to be one, I know! It must be a bluff!

Coco was sure that it was a bluff, but then her doubts became non-existent as she was sure the man in front of her was bluffing.

"Trying to act tough?"

The man looked at her a bit offended by her words, "Excuse me, girl those who act tough are only for those who are incompetent, but I'm hardly incompetent as I am powerful, not many could match me!"

This is hopeless, this man is so delusional, maybe after this, I'll call the mental hospital.

"Hey! You may be my daughter but you shouldn't disrespect me like that! I'm not delusional." He looked at her disapprovingly.

Wha-?! Did this guy just read my mind? No, surely it's just a coincidence?

"It's not, I'm really reading your mind," He looks at her deadpan.

"What the hell?!" It was official, Coco Adel the fashionista is scared of this man in front of her.

"Scared? Don't be girl, I won't harm you." The man said gently.

Even though the man was approaching her gently, it was different in her mind, to her it was like the man was an incarnation of the devil or Grimm in her case.

The more he got closer, the more scared she was, "D-don't come closer I'll stop!"

She was stuttering damn it! This wasn't her, she was supposed to be a confident woman, not a scared little girl!

Due to her rising anxiety, she accidentally fired a shot toward the man, realizing her mistake, her expression paled.


The world turned slowmo in her point of view, the bullet from her mecha-shift handbag Gatling-gun wasn't stopping till it hit the man.

Coco couldn't stop it, so she could only pray that this bullet won't kill him, or else she'll be screwed, a huntress-in-training is a big deal and it could potentially ruin her future, nay it would ruin her life if this man dies.

She wanted to close her eyes, but she couldn't, she wanted to see the result of her actions.

As the bullet was about to hit the man's head, to her shock she saw him catch it with his bare hand.

Her jaw dropped at his action, and he stared at her with deadpan eyes.

"Wow, you really shot me, rude, if I didn't know any better I would have thought of this as an intentional, not accident."

It took Coco a moment before regaining her bearings, at first she sighs in relief knowing that her future is safe as she didn't kill the man, and a second later, angry because this man nearly gave her a heart attack!

"You! You're a huntsman?! Damn you! I thought you were a civilian!"

The man in front of her frowned, and replied, "First of all, the hell is a huntsman? Whatever it is, I'm not, and as for a civilian? I never said I was, it was just you assuming I was."

Coco was a bit embarrassed as he mentioned the last part of the sentence because it's true, he never said that he was a civilian, she only assumed that he was.

However, the first part of his sentence surprised her, 'he isn't a huntsman?' she thought.

With how he easily caught the bullet, she thought of him as a huntsman for sure, but it seems that he wasn't.

"So, you're just a person with an aura then?" Coco then realized something, if he could use a mind-reading 'semblance' it's obvious that he has to have an aura.

She couldn't help but mentally slap her face for that, she was being an idiot.

Still, a mind-reading semblance? That's a very useful yet creepy ability, the use of such semblance is simply limitless.

"Aura? What is that?" He said in genuine confusion as if he didn't know what it was.


"Are you joking? Because if you are, stop, it's not funny." Coco gave him a half annoyed and half unimpressed expression.

"No, I am not. I have no idea what is this 'aura' nor what this 'semblance' you're thinking about," He gave her an equal level of unimpressed expression.

Coco stared hard at the man for a good minute, before turning her expression into disbelief and shock.

"Really…?" She muttered in disbelief.

The look on his face, is saying that he isn't lying at all, she could tell, if he doesn't have an aura or a semblance then, how?!

"Hm? Is it really shocking? Is this 'aura' you speak of that amazing?"

"Of course! With aura, you can do something superhuman you'll get, strength, speed, and endurance that you normally couldn't do with aura, but YOU! What the hell are you? There's no way an aura-less person could catch a bullet like you!" Coco exclaimed as she just witnessed something that broke her common sense.

The man just raised his brow and shrugged it off, "Whatever, it doesn't concern me."

"You!" Coco suddenly felt frustrated, she couldn't believe this guy! He casually broke her common sense and next he acts like it wasn't a big deal?!

"Anyway, let's get back to our original topic, you girl is my daughter, no matter how you deny it, blood won't lie come here I'll show you proof that you are my kin." The man moved his finger, translating that she should come closer.

Coco was really suspicious of this, to be honest, but a part of her was really curious and hopeful that somehow he was telling the truth, for all her life she wanted to meet her father and this man claimed that he is.

This is unlikely because he looks like someone who just entered his twenties, but still her curiosity won, and went closer to the man with a hint of cautiousness.

As she got closer, the man smiled, "Good girl, now allow me to unlock the ability that you inherited."

Then he touched her head, and Coco flinched a little after a moment. All of sudden something inside her was screaming to be released. Her body felt like she had been staying in a sauna for an entire day!

It was so hot, that her body started sweating like there was no tomorrow. After that gruesome moment, her knees gave up, and fell into the dirty ground.

Coco was breathing heavily as she just experienced a very uncomfortable feeling, honestly, she didn't want to experience that again!


Then she stared at the man, who claimed to be her father.

"W-what..hah..did you do to me..?" She was letting out the hot air inside her.

The man smiled and replied, "That my girl, is me unlocking your true potential, the ability that you inherited from me, your father a God."

A God? What the hell is he saying?

The self-proclaimed God took off her glasses revealing a different pair of eyes, instead of her dark-brown eyes, her eyes now are like a clock.

"Hoho, I see you inherited 'Time Manipulation' although it's weak and limited, it's understandable as you just unlocked it, in the future I'm sure you can manipulate the time of the universe, for now…you just have to master it…" The man said softly.

Coco, however, did not hear half of the man's sentence as her consciousness was failing her, due to the man unlocking her hidden bloodline.

Slowly, she lost consciousness.

Yo, yo! A new story?! Of course! Anyway, since I have the motivation for it, why not?

Anyway, the first world is RWBY as you can see.

Coco's ability that she got from her divine father is Time Manipulation, which is pretty much OP, it's like the Time Stone from MCU, but without the stone only the ability!

As for her eye design, think of it as similar to Kurumi from Date a live except it's a pair instead of one.

As you can see, I'm not immediately making her THAT powerful as I will add some limitations as said in the story, as she just unlocked it.

Anyway, the story won't be revolving around the MCs, as he is already THAT powerful, there was no need for him to power up as he's plenty strong, but he needed a personality change as he is terrible, he only acted patiently because Coco is his kin, if it was others it would be a different story.

While we're at it, as the title says he had too many spawns, it wouldn't make sense if he only had one child no?

So, here's the thing after Coco's issue is done, I want you to suggest WHO is going to be next?

Anyway here is my list of his possible spawns :

Cinder (Why TF not?)

Sun (Hell yeah, you know I know what you're thinking about what is going to be his ability!)

Suggest which character you want!

Except for RWBY, and Jaune not because I hate them or anything, in fact, I love Jaune's character. I have other plans for him, as for RWBY meh too many fanfics about them.

Also suggest a name of the mc, cause I admit that my naming sense is inadequate.

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