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Kapitel 13: Finally, a Good Sword

It's been 8 months since our first C-rank. Progress was crawling the entire time. I made some progress, but it's starting to slow down. The good news is that I got a chakra metal sword from Tanaka Kenji 5 months ago. It cost basically all my earnings from the four C-ranks we completed in our first 3 months, and that was with the sword being at a discount price considering I saved his son's life. But I finally had it, and with it, I became a true monster on the field.


Skills: [Flash Step, lvl 25], [Academy Taijutsu, lvl 5 (max)] [Hakuda, lvl 18].

Progress: 49%]


Skills: [Tanto-wielding, lvl 15 (max)] [Katana-wielding, lvl 42] [Onibi, lvl 8]

Progress: 55%]

[Fire Release

Skills: [Shikai, lvl 6] [Sokatsui, lvl 10 (max)] [Jokaku Enjo, lvl 2] [Taimatsu, lvl 4] [ Fire Release: Two, lvl 5 (max)] [Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fushibi, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique, lvl 5 (max)] [Shakkaho, lvl 10 (max)]

Progress: 39%]


Skills: [Leaf-sticking, lvl 5 (max)] [Tree-walking, lvl 10 (max)] [Water-walking, lvl 15 (max)]

[Clone jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Transformation jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Substitution jutsu, lvl 20 (max)]

Progress: 70%]

Yeah, if you couldn't tell, Shikai training was very slow. After training for 5 months, I can only use it for 10 minutes before exhausting myself. And that's without using any of my Shikai's techniques. But it was beyond powerful. I haven't used Shikai on anyone yet because I'm trying to keep it a secret. I also unlocked a new kido called Sokatsui. It generates blue flames on the palm that can be used to shoot a torrent of fire.

But it was fine for now… I mean, it's not like anyone knows yet, right?

////// Danzo POV ////////

He was just another statistic at first. Another family torn apart by the Kyuubi attack. A civilian that performed at a subpar level in the academy outside of taijutsu. He didn't catch my attention until one of my Root members reported to me.

"Lord Danzo, I have found someone you might find interesting."

I looked down at him coldly, "Speak, crow."

"His name is Tsurugi Kaen, born to Handa Ayaka and Tsurugi Gou. He has displayed exceptional prowess in taijutsu, kenjutsu, and fire release. He has been on 16 C-rank missions and hasn't been scratched a single time. He also employs strange fire jutsu and movement techniques that are more efficient than already existing ones."

Interesting… Another young talent with a humble background?

"Keep an eye on him. You are dismissed, Crow."

"Yes, Lord Danzo," and he disappeared from my sight.

Interesting. I will probably be able to grab him during the chunin exams. With all the chaos going on, no one will wonder about one missing body out of the hundreds. Looks like I'm going to have to change some plans…

/////////Kaen POV////////

It was time. Ayame and Isamu had mastered their jutsu months ago. After another boring C-rank, it was finally time to learn the next step of nature manipulation.

"Read carefully, brats. Here are steps on the next level of fire manipulation. I haven't learned it myself, since I'm an earth user, so you'll either have to find someone else to teach you or make do with those scrolls." Fukumoto explained while handing Ayame and me a scroll each.

"Isamu, since you also have an earth element, I'll be able to show you personally."


They walked away to start training their earth affinity. I sat down and started reading the scroll.

'So you have to evaporate all the moisture in a leaf without burning it? That can't be so hard.'

/////// 1 week later ////////

I threw another burning leaf onto the ground.

"Stupid. Fucking. Leaf. Why do you keep BURNING!"

It turns out, having Yamamoto's flames actually makes this a lot harder. I've always gone for the most destruction and heat possible, so I've never actually tried to turn it down before.

Isamu chuckled, "It's nice to see that you aren't good at something for once."

"Fuck off!"

"Oi, stop arguing, brats. It's about time we took another mission. So get up."

"I'm not leaving until I finish this stupid exercise!" I yelled.

"Oi." Fukumot said darkly, "Do you need some 'encouragement'?" He asked.

"Haah, fine. We can go do a stupid mission." I sighed.

So we got up and headed over to the Hokage tower to get our mission. For some reason, the Hokage was out giving missions. We got our mission without a fuss, but weirdly I felt like I was being watched as we walked out the door.

'Must be my imagination.'

///////////Hiruzen POV//////////

That kid, Tsurugi Kaen. He has more chakra at his disposal than most of my elite jonins. How did he slip under the radar for so long? Was he hiding his potential during his academy days?

I contemplated for a while. "Hawk," I called.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," He kneeled in front of me.

"I want you to shadow team 4 on their next mission. Fukumoto Takeshi is on their team, so be careful not to be discovered."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

After Hawk left, I had another anbu fetch his file.

A couple of minutes later, I was reading through it. 16 C-rank missions and 30 D-ranks, all completed successfully. Most notably, Fukumoto had written almost a whole page on his talent with the sword and fire release.

My eyes widened as I kept reading the report.

'He made an explosion equivalent to a B-rank jutsu with just one Ember Clone?! I need to keep an eye on him.'

I hadn't seen a talent for ninjutsu like this since Kakashi and Itachi graduated. I also saw that Fukumoto was planning on having them participate in the upcoming chunin exams. I smiled wryly, 'This is going to be an interesting exam. 7 clan heirs, a jinchuriki, and this monstrous kid all in one chunin exam. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.'

I also needed to take preventative measures to make sure Danzo doesn't get a hold of him.

My day just got so much longer…

////////Kaen POV, 1 month later////////

"Finally!" I said as I dropped a dry leaf to the ground.

I literally focused only on this for the entire month, minus the one C-rank I did. I was so obsessed, I didn't even check my status once, though I knew I got a new move.

Well, better late than never, right?

[Fire Release

Skills: [Shikai, lvl 6] [Soren Sokatsui, lvl 1] [Ennetsu Jigoku, lvl 3] [Sokatsui, lvl 10 (max)] [Jokaku Enjo, lvl 3] [Taimatsu, lvl 4] [ Fire Release: Two, lvl 5 (max)] [Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fushibi, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique, lvl 5 (max)] [Shakkaho, lvl 10 (max)]

Progress: 45%]

Ah, Soren Sokatsui. That's going to be cool. I also unlocked a new ability for my Shikai as well. That elemental training did a pretty good job.

"Ha. You finally got it, brat," my sensei commented.

"Shut up, old man," I shot back.

"Oh, then I guess you don't want this B-rank ninjutsu…"

"Wait!" I said quickly, "Let's make any hasty decisions."

"Heh, I knew you would change your tune," he said as he tossed me the scroll.

"You have a week to learn that before we go on our next mission, got it?"

"Yes, sir!"

////// 3 months later. ////////

Man, progress has been slow. I guess killing bandits on a C-rank mission doesn't count as life or death anymore. Progress has been crawling, so I'm pretty much just waiting for the chunin exams so I can get some progress. I did master my first B-rank jutsu on a brighter note.



Skills: [Flash Step, lvl 27], [Academy Taijutsu, lvl 5 (max)] [Hakuda, lvl 22].

Progress: 49%]


Skills: [Tanto-wielding, lvl 15 (max)] [Katana-wielding, lvl 46] [Onibi, lvl 10 (max)]

Progress: 59%]

[Fire Release

Skills: [Shikai, lvl 9] [Soren Sokatsui, lvl 15 (max)] [Ennetsu Jigoku, lvl 10 (max)] [Sokatsui, lvl 10 (max)] [Jokaku Enjo, lvl 5 (max)] [Taimatsu, lvl 5 (max)] [ Fire Release: Two, lvl 5 (max)] [Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique, lvl 15 (max)] [Fushibi, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique, lvl 5 (max)] [Shakkaho, lvl 10 (max)] [Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, lvl 20 (max)]

Progress: 48%]


Skills: [Leaf-sticking, lvl 5 (max)] [Tree-walking, lvl 10 (max)] [Water-walking, lvl 15 (max)]

[Clone jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Transformation jutsu, lvl 15 (max)] [Substitution jutsu, lvl 20 (max)]

Progress: 72%]

I've done, 21 C-ranks so far, all being a success. I don't think I've even gotten injured yet.

I was broken out of my thoughts as Fukumoto appeared next to me with a body flicker.

"Gah!" I started, "Why do you always do that?"

"Heh, it never gets old. You'd think with how much chakra you have you'd be better at sensing it." He said.

Ugh, that one hurts. Mostly because it's true; I've never really practiced sensing people, which is something I need to learn.

I sighed, "I'll learn it next month."

"You're not gonna have next month," he replied. He reached into one of the pockets on his jonin vest and pulled out a piece of paper.

"This is a form for the upcoming chunin exam. Your teammates have already agreed, so you're the last one left."

"It's about time!" I took the sheet from him.

He just smirked, "I thought you'd say that. Just submit it to the mission desk sometime today. The chunin exam will take place in 1 month."

He flickered away after saying his piece.

I should be used to that by now…

///////15 minutes later///////

After filling out the form and submitting it, I found myself just wandering the different training grounds aimlessly. At least I was until I was called out by someone.

"Tsurugi Kaen!" The person shouted. I turned around, recognizing the voice somewhat, before seeing who stood before me.

With a bright green jumpsuit, a bowl cut, and bushy eyebrows, I immediately knew who I was looking at.

"'Sup, Lee. How've you been?"

"I am currently in the springtime of youth!" He exclaimed, "It's good that you've come here today; I've been wanting to challenge you to a fight! Let's compare our youthful spirits!"

Heh. This could be fun. I'm pretty sure Lee was already at the level of an elite chunin with his weights on.

"Sure, why not?" I said.

"Yosh! Prepare yourself!" He said as he disappeared from my sight.

I immediately felt my instincts yell at me to block. So without even turning around, I grabbed his leg mid-kick and smirked.

"You'll have to be faster than that!"

I pulled him in closer and launched a fist at him. He blocked by putting his arms into an X-shape but still got sent back, feet sliding across the ground.

He grinned at me, "I see you have not been slacking in your training, my friend!"

"Neither have you."

Then, it was my turn to disappear as I flash-stepped to his side in an instant. He tried to block my strike again but was too slow; my fist launched into his stomach, lifting him off the ground. However, before I could follow up, he recovered in the air by spinning around and launching a dropkick at me.

I smirked and caught his foot with one hand, a shockwave emanating from the impact. He looked at me in shock as I slammed him into the ground before he could get his bearings. I repeatedly slammed him into the ground multiple times, before spinning around and tossing him towards the tree line.

He flipped over in the air and landed on his feet gracefully, looking more serious.

"It seems I still have a long way to go! I'll show you my youthful spirit!" he shouted and reached down to undo his leg weights. But before he could, another green blur entered the scene, kicking Lee in the head and shouting,

"Dynamic entry!"

It was Guy, the best taijutsu practitioner in Konoha.

"Lee, while I admire your youthful spirit, I am also severely disappointed in you! To go so far for a friendly spar… Unacceptable!" He chastised.

Lee started to cry huge crocodile tears, "I'm sorry, Guy-sensei! I couldn't control my youthful impulses against such a formidable opponent!"

"That's alright, Lee!"





Oh God, now they're hugging. I will never be able to unsee that.

Someone else approached from behind, "You get used to it eventually," she said.

I turned around and saw someone I vaguely remember from the anime.

"Uh… Tenten?" I asked.

She sighed, "We were in the same class for 5 years and you barely remember my name?"

I chuckled sheepishly.

"Well, whatever. At least tell me you remember Neji?"

I looked behind her and saw him scowling at me.

"Still mad that I beat you down in the academy?" I taunted.

His scowl deepened as he looked away.

"You got lucky back then. I doubt you've amounted to much anyway; that's your fate as a no-name civilian."

I chuckled, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal."

Tenten groaned, "Come on, we didn't come here to argue. We were here to stop Lee from doing something stupid."

"Eh, I would've been fine."

She just rolled her eyes, "Sure, whatever you say."

Since she obviously didn't believe me, I moved on to a different subject.

"So, is your team going to participate in the chunin exams next month?"

Tenten perked up a bit, "Yes! I'm so excited! I've been waiting a year and a half for this."

"Yosh! It's time to show everyone there's a new Green Beast in Konoha!" Lee interjected.

I guess they finally got tired of hugging.

We chatted for a bit, well everyone besides Neji; he was just looking off into the distance and brooding.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys again. Good luck with the chunin exams." I said as I walked away.

"Yosh!" "Thanks." "Hmph."

I left and moved over to training ground six. I contemplated how I was going to prepare for the chunin exams while playing with Fire Release: Two.

'I should probably visit the library and pick up some books on sensing. My instincts will alert me in a fight, but I'm not so good at sensing people who are just hiding.'

So I ended up reading about sensing in the Shinobi library. After a couple of hours, I left with a scroll and some more knowledge about sensing. It turns out, that not everyone can be a sensor. Most people can sense chakra to an extent, but not at crazy ranges like the sensors are capable of. Seeing as I'm probably not a sensor, I picked up a jutsu scroll that sounds helpful; Fire Release: Heat Detector.

It was a very simple jutsu with no hand signs. You just had to reach out with a minute amount of chakra shaped in a wave and wait for it to react with someone's body heat. It's definitely able to be countered with the right circumstances, but it'll do for now.

'Next step; hitting the grind again.'

//////// A/N ////////

Hello everyone. I looked at some of your comments and saw that you wanted to see some other POVs, so I tried my best. It was a fun challenge to write from the perspective of an old man, even though it was very brief. I'll try to include some more POVs later on, with a little more depth than the excerpt in this chapter. Hiruzen and Danzo have noticed Kaen's perfect mission record and large reserves! What's going to happen next? Not even I could tell you (lol). Please leave a review and let me know how you feel about the character interactions so far!

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