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Kapitel 5: Lord of Ghosts (Arc 1)

"Alright, let's do this one more time."

Doing a twirl like a showman before an audience, Shinji snapped both fingers towards the looking glass before him.

"Stylish purple hairstyle? Check. Beautiful eyes? Acceptably normal. Height and figure? A little bit buffed, but it's not like anyone could tell the difference at just first look. And finally, my magic?"

With a snap, tongue of green fire manifested on his index finger upon which Shinji promptly doused.

"Still works like a charm."

Was that a cringe display? Yes, yes, it is. But that was how Shinji's Gramps used to do a onceover on himself… Or so he says.

Honestly, there was no reason for Shinji to be doing something like this. With his collection of YGGDRASIL's spells as well as the conceptual and 'dakka' evolution he had added to them—in addition to his World. It was well within Shinji's ability to go out of his house as a 100-foot tyrannosaur and everyone would still look at him as if it were normal.

Not to mention the fact that he even had enough Illusion Spells capable of deceiving the AlayaShiki. So, it wasn't like there was really any problem.

Crazy right?

But even so, when considering the fact that this is the first time Shinji would be moving out into the wider World. One that still had the beauty of a clear blue sky, spanning foliage visage, and virtually non-polluted air… Of course, Shinji would feel quite nervous.

And at the same time, extremely excited.

Shinji holstered a bag on his shoulders and straightened the turtle collar of his brown long sleeved school clothes, before turning to look at the new addition on his body -a silver locket- with a smile.

"Well… This is it, Gramps."

Arriving at the entrance door of the mansion, Shinji paused before taking in a deep breath.

"Here's to my new life."

And opened up to a world of bright colors.

"And to a grand world waiting to be thoroughly explored."


To be thoroughly honest, Shinji initially was not that much crazy about music.

In his time—no. In that time of the World he had originally come from, music was no longer about bringing smiles, life, telling stories, or even about romance.

Music was no longer about art. It was now all about the commercials.

Multinational Companies gather boys with fine faces on hunk bodies and girls with alluring faces and comely figures, giving them the microphone so that they could sing all day about the greatness of the companies and how the populace should join in singing about the money-laden truism.

Shinji would not say that Gramps wasn't a part of it -after all, Gramps was the CEO of one of the wealthiest Multinational Companies in the World- he wouldn't even argue on the morality of what Gramps had done.

That was how the World works. To try instigating a paradigm shift just because you feel morally obligated in doing so is just nonsensical in cutthroat businesses.

Anyways, Shinji initially didn't like music. But that disposition had changed when he met 'her'.

At that time, Shinji had been overseas -the USA- where he had to gone to a well-known hospital for a surgery to be done on him - he had a heart failure.

It was after the surgery that he had meet 'her' at the lobby, playing old beats from over hundreds of years ago with an antiquated musical instrument - a guitar. The 2000s as 'she' would say.

Every day during his stay, Shinji would head towards the lobby to see the girl with the old-fashioned guitar, who would sing songs -colorful songs- that would only make you wonder how it all had changed.

Where did the beautiful music of those times go?


He would later meet the girl face-to-face, befriend her and take their relationship to a level that could have become something more…

But that is a story for another time.





"Mommy, look." An elementary girl said, pointing at the pedestrian across the other side of the street. "What is that man doing? Why is he moving funny?"

Stunned, the mother could only lightly gap in reply. "I... I don't know sweetheart."

The mother internally wondered if that kind of movement was the ongoing trend or something.

'Youths these days.' The mother shook her head in bemusement. 'Putting on strange devices on their heads while boogying their bodies like that… Well, they're only getting crazier by the era.'

Although, the mother couldn't help but wonder what kind of music was the boy conjuring up to be moving his body like that?

'At the very least, it would be useful when I'm doing my morning exercise.'




With the air, like I don't care, baby by the way~

"Huh, because I'm happppy~"

Bopping his head, the transmigrated Shinji Matou danced to analogous music 'Happy' of the 2000s, which at this time was a music that would come into existence later on – that is if Pharrell Williams is still a musician in this World.

Shinji was perfectly aware of how he appeared to bystanders and onlookers on the street;

A madman. Albeit one dressed in a school uniform.

What else would you call a boy shamelessly singing an unknown foreign song in public and with a voice that could make mothers to cry?

Shinji isn't going to be wining anyone's heart with his hazardous singing.

Students from his school, both juniors and seniors passed him by either gawking in shock or with intense look of bewilderment. Shinji was quite sure that he had seen Tohsaka Rin on the way, but he decided not to put much thought into it.

Like how they decided not to put much thought into him.

Reaching the road terminal, the YGGDRASIL Player winked a female classmate who blinked in disconcertment and hummed while tapping his feet.

For the first time in over 18 years, Shinji now truly feels alive.

"Because I'm happy!"


"Alright, I'll see you at the club, Senpai."

"No promises, Sakura." Shirou said, shrugging. "I'll check up with Issei and see if he has any work for me. If he doesn't, then I'll try and come."

Sakura nodded with a slight smile.

"I'm sure Mitsuzuri-Senpai would be happy to hear that."

Shirou could help but add seeing as the iliac was moving away.

"Remember Sakura; I will only be coming to take a look. Don't expect anything more from me."

But Sakura's reply was only a giggle as she victoriously sauntered away.

Sighing, Shirou rubbed the back of his neck.

"I just hope sightseeing is all I'll get at the Archery Club. But knowing Ayako…"

The mental image of Ayako shoving a bow to him while he furtively tries pushing it back brought a grimace to Shirou's face.

That… Was certainly within the realm of possibilities.

"Ugh…I don't really want to go."

Now Shirou could only hope Issei has something for him to do. Something that could take his time.

Shaking his head in resignation, Shirou head back to his class with a new thought in mind. Sakura's demeanor which as of last night has been bothering him.

If Shirou had to put it in clear words, Sakura was a mixed bag of happiness and fear… At least, that was what he had gotten from her behavior last night.

If it were something to do with Shinji, Shirou was quite sure that he would know from her expression and her actions - like rubbing a certain part of her body- and Shirou was quite sure that he would give Shinji a black eye if he had done anything stupid to his own sister.

But that wasn't it. At least from what Shirou had gathered, Sakura had arrived at his house with a bit of prep in her movement. In a way, her face bore a look of joy Shirou had only seen once and that was when he had given her the keys to his house.

When he had asked her the reason for her happiness, Sakura's cryptic reply was that one of her childhood wishes has been finally granted.

Shirou was happy for her. He wanted Sakura to be happy because he feels that she truly deserves it—just like how he feels when he sees others happy.

That is why Shirou wants to make sure that Sakura's happiness was not a fleeting one.

The look of fragility that appeared on Sakura's face when she thought no one was looking, Shirou wanted to erase it and make sure that she would only remain happy… That she would always smile like she did last night.

'I'll try asking Shinji what happened yesterday.' Shirou thought to himself. 'I have the feeling that he knows what is going on.'

Turning by the right to his class located at the third room of the hallway, Shirou spotted the target of his thoughts—only to double take on what he saw.

"Eh, Shinji?"

Matou Shinji, his childhood friend who had grown up to become a 'unique' individual was… Well, dancing in the hallway. He seemed to have been in a different world of his own making.

Tilting his head, Shirou regarded the appliances situated on Shinji's head.

'What are those…? Head… No, ear gears?'

Somehow that sounded quite wrong.

The manner upon which they draped around Shinji's ears spoke of the fact that those appliances had more uses than just ear comforters - there was also the fact that the season still hasn't approached winter yet.

Shirou would love to run a Structural Grasp on the ear device—but somehow, no, he totally knew what Shinji would say to that so he wouldn't bother. And disregarding the ear device, the issue of Shinji 'dancing' bothered Shirou more than he actually thought possible.

Back when they were kids and were still tightknit friends, Shirou could identify the pride that Shinji always seemed to possess. Shirou could exactly pinpoint the reason for his pride, but there was no denying the way Shinji carried himself and manner upon which he used to talk to others.

So, seeing Shinji with such a peaceful expression and behaving in such a manner is while a good thing, is also disconcerting to say in the least.

There was also something about Shinji's aura that seemed to have changed. Shirou could almost swear that it had something to do with Magecraft, but as a third-rate Magus he does not possess the necessary authority to say for sure.

Shinji seemed to have noticed Shirou's presence as he turned to regard the later with an ambivalent look.

Shinji sighed, pulling his hair back like he always did.

"Yo, Emiya. Nice morning, huh."


Shirou blinked, even Shinji's tone lacked the underlying malice he always had for him.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

Shinji echoed back, pulling the ear device off his head and hung them on his shoulders - Shirou had to admit that it looked practical.

"Nothing really. Just some few life changing decisions that 'I refuse to share' and that I am now free to live as I wish."

While Shirou understood that Shinji wouldn't tell him even if he asked, but at the moment, he was more concerned for Sakura.

"Uhm, do those life changing decisions have anything to do with Sakura?"

Shinji raised an eyebrow. "What did she tell you?"

Crossing his arms, Shirou replied. "Nothing much."

Smirking, Shinji shot back. "Then I have no obligation to tell you if Sakura herself doesn't want to talk about it."

Seeing that Shirou still had the look of insistency, Shinji raised a hand.

"Don't bother wasting your time asking. I won't talk. In the end, it doesn't concern you, Mr. Protagonist. Though if you do want to get involved, then start with Sakura… I don't have any hold over her life… At least, not as much as you do."

Narrowing his eyes, Shirou said. "What do you mean by that, Shin—?"

Before the question could fully leave Shirou's lips, Shinji had already walked away, entering their classroom.

"What is his problem?" Shirou muttered.

The manner upon which Shinji said those words carried a bitter undertone along with something else Shirou couldn't properly identify.

Shirou now understood that asking Shinji furthermore questions would be pointless as well as an act of futility at this point. Shinji might not be a total obstinate person, but he was stubborn to say in the least.

Running a hand through his hair with a sigh, Shirou decided that he would keep a closer eye on Sakura just in case.

"I just hope this all doesn't spiral down an ugly helix."


To Shinji, Homuraha Academy was exactly how he had imagined and seen from video documentaries and V.R experiences; Bright, loud, crowded, and even more than the video documentaries and V.R experiences; it was full of life.

Students frolicking around either in ones, twos, threes, or more. Gals vainly strutting down the hallway and Goths hanging by the window side in their own little world. Boys arguing about the sexiest idol or the latest anime and games.

It was a world Shinji never thought he could experience but now, it is his reality… Damn, feels weird just thinking that.

Waving some of his friends -or extras as the former Shinji secretly calls them- Shinji smirked as he settled to his seat.

Shinji, or rather, the former Shinji had a rather unique standing in school's pyramid system. Due to being the Vice Captain of the school's Archery Club as a result of the exit of a certain auburn, he was quite popular with boys and girls (particularly girls) who were interested in the sport - which to put it lightly, were many.

"Shinji, is true that you were dancing on the way coming?"

"Damn bro, you've got to teach me how to burst you pull moves like that."

"Nice one, Shinji."

"So, what's the reason for you to be in such a good mood this morning?"

"Hey, Shinji. What is that thing you have around your neck?"

Anyway, as expected; questions were asked concerning Shinji's latest fiasco.

Students gathered around his desk with looks of intrigue as he answered all of them as best and cryptically as he could. Some didn't appear to be satisfied with his replies, but Shinji didn't humor them as he felt that he had already done the bare minimum.

Regarding the last question, Shinji couldn't help but wince as he remembered the date; around this time, headphones were pretty much not a thing. So of course, most of his classmates would be looking at the YGGDRASIL Player's headphone like an alien device.

… … That gave Shinji an idea.

'You know… I could pretty much rip this off and kick start a company that makes devices from the future. I'm quite that even an antiquated PS5 is going to make me a killing.'

Before any further thought could be put into the mouthwatering business prospective, the bell rang as Tiger—no, Fujimura-Sensei entered the class with her usual eccentricity.

"Good morning~ boys and gals, Fujimura-Sensei had a lovely surprise for you~!"

"Dammit, not another test, Taiga!"

"Who said that?" Like a Mexican wrestler, their not-so-childish teacher roared. "Reveal yourself!"

Sighing, Shinji shook his head and reached for his bag. "Well, that'll be a thought for later."


Sighing, Shinji rested his back on a pillow pulled out from his [ Storage] and shifted his position on the bench to where he could see the city in the distance.

The terrace of the school was quite the banal place to be, but Shinji really had no choice as the proceedings of the day were to put it mildly; quite overwhelming.

Even with this World Shinji's memories, Shinji couldn't help letting the overwhelming occurrence called 'School Life' get to him. There was also his homeroom teacher, Taiga Fujimaru… She really is one heck of a woman. A sharp contrast to Kuzuki-sensei who is more calm and collected.

While there were some people, he wasn't that gratified in meeting, all in all, today is a success.

The echoing chime signaled change of class subjects, but Shinji wasn't that enthused in standing up -he had already missed one class so what is one more to the pile.

'Hmm… I'm sensing a delinquent streak, here.'

But Shinji knew he couldn't help it—not with the figure of mystery before him that still has not registered his presence, despite a lack of a Concealment Spell.

Standing by the lattice wall was a typical gyaru whose rather 'bright' exterior was in sharp contrast with Homuraha school uniform; a bright blond hair that was definitely fake and a two band chocker and colorful leggings…

Hmm, yep, she is definitely a newcomer.

But that wasn't why Shinji was interested in her.

He could feel it—heck, through the use of his unique eyes he could clearly see it. Apparitions or rather, Ghosts gathering around the girl like a wild storm.

A Dark Gathering of the Dead if he had cracked a morbid joke.

A quick check showed that the Apparitions were of different types ranging from harmless spirits to the 'Evil Spirits,' and the latter was interesting considering that Apparitions like that were very rare -probably around 30 or so left in Japan- and were due to expire in the next 200 years or so.

But it seems like they are gathering around the girl for… Sustenance.

"Hmm~" Smirking, Shinji closed an eye while keeping the other on the girl. "A Rare Body Type, eh. Mages could kill for a piece of her."

But then again, and luckily for her, Shinji isn't just an ordinary Mage.

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