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Kapitel 6: Blue and Red

"by the way, can I know your job skills?" Alex asked Hope, making Hope look at him in confusion, not understanding why I would ask such a question. 

"I'm putting together a group of people. I want to be a billionaire, collecting hard workers like yourself would be wise." I said with a smile, making Hope's eyes widen for a moment. She looked at me weirdly,

"how much did the gold sell for?" She asked, realizing something was off. no one would be so nice to give others if they didn't have enough. this only means the gold Alex came across was worth a lot, 

"a more than 100k," I said causing Hope's pupils to shrink slightly. She thought for a moment before she nodded, realizing the opportunity before her.

"From what I see... you are good at multi-tasking, thinking ahead, and money management, you can cook, good with tools... you're impressive. a jack of all trades." I said softly, leaving Hope blushing in embarrassment. indeed she had a lot under her skill tree,

"Let's stay in touch, we got to dream big right?" I asked while holding out my hand, Hope nodded slightly, before reaching out to shake my hand. I took her rough hands and gave her a good handshake before we went on with our day. with me going to sit with my group, where Abel began speaking.

"alright? I found a house, we need a total of 90k for everything," Abel said while I took a seat, we were planning to try and gain passive income. we wanted to do something simple. This was what we wanted to do, 

"I will pay, just make sure I can go over the contract," Collin said, while Abdi frowned momentarily before speaking.

"let me look at where the houses are located. if the area is good or not, it could greatly affect the value of the houses." Abdi said, although he was out of hand at times, he knew when to get serious.

Rin sat at the side, half-assedly listening to us speak. in the end, we agreed, that Collin and I would be responsible for paying it. Abdi will be looking after the house, while Abel be our voice.

launch soon came to an end and we went to our remaining class before going on with our day. I had Rin follow me to go buy a few things, I didn't need anything much, and with the connection her family had, I could easily get the stuff I wanted.

Want I wanted was a wire connected to a set of batteries, which were used to power a shocker. the wire would be wrapped around Rin's arm, while the shock also connected to Rin's other hand.

I had to first check to see if Rin curse energy could be used to power the battery, which luckily worked, although the conversion rate into electricity was a bit low compared to how much energy she would be putting in.

the shocker would use the power stored within the batter to shock RIn. unless Rin can keep a steady flow of curse energy to the batteries, she would be shocked. after which, I went on to buy the most emotional movies I could find online, before having Rin watch them.

"h-how would this help?" Rin asked, although the shocker wouldn't hurt her, it didn't mean it would feel good being shocked. her uncle was also standing at the side, watching this scene with a raised eyebrow

"emotions are the key to controlling it. you will need to deeply look at the movies, while at the same time making sure your energy keeps flowing. if you're too scared and lose control of the energy, you will be shocked. if you are too sad and lose control, you will be shocked, happy, joyful, relieved, and so on. All of these emotions are okay to be felt, don't avoid them or else you will just weaken yourself." I said calmly while holding the wire, my curse energy quickly filling up the battery 

"... then, increase the electrical power," Rin said while looking at her palm, my eyebrow raised at her for a moment, before shrugging. I sent chakra into the shocker on her arm and used it to amplify the electrical power, before giving her the wire.

after Rin nodded, I let go of the wire, just as she sent her curse energy into the wire. she struggled to focus, but the slightest slip of the mind caused her to scream in pain as she was shocked. it hurt, but it didn't damage her. her hands shook slightly from the shock. it was a quick second and didn't last too long.

"There are 2 things I want to start with. the first is an anime called One Piece, and the second is a movie called The Conjuring. Which one." Rin thought for a moment, before speaking

"let's start with the Conjuring." She said softly, she never watched this movie, but she was interested. nodding slightly, I played the movie and sat back to watch. even Riki sat down, wanting to see this training RIn was going through.

So the movie began, and we sat back and began to watch the movie. Rin tried to multi-task, but this led to her screaming from time to time as she was shocked by the shocker. but the time between her being shocked was slowly increasing bit by bit...

while the movie was playing, I too was multitasking, writing down the few things I knew about infinity. but while the movie played, soon something caught my senses. frowning for a moment, I looked towards Riki who had sensed nothing. 

"I will be back," I said in a soft voice, before teleporting out of the room, leaving Riki stunned for some time. his mind raced, trying to find out just how I disappeared without leaving behind a thing.

within the cover of the night, a group of people was racing through the cover of the night, heading towards the mansion where Rin was staying. there was a total of 8 of them

"Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, and Number 4. You lead Riki away, Number 5, Number 6, and Number 7. You join me to handle Rin." In Chinese, the dark figures all spoke, while they all broke apart, shooting to surround the mansion.

but they didn't get far before a huge blue orb appeared, pulling them all towards the orb. they tried to escape, but it was like space itself was being pulled towards that blue orb. they looked towards the orb before their eyes landed on the entrance to the mansion. there at the entrance stood a young man, who was lazily pointing forward. Of course, that was Alex

What was this blue orb you may ask? This was Strengthened Limitless: Blue. Blue is the Cursed Technique Lapse of the Limitless, which increases the cursed energy output of the technique and generates the power to attract. This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect

It was possible to use Blue to affect just one target instead of the world around where the technique is being used. of course, the greater the power you put into Blue, the harder it would be to do such a thing... all but me who had fully mastered Blue.

the dark figure seeing they were being pulled towards the orb and couldn't escape wasted no time. using a movement technique, they managed to break free from the pull, with one of them appearing before me.

A sword covered in lightning shot towards my neck. this sword wasn't simple, enhanced with lightning, this sword could cut through a tank like it was cutting through butter. but at that moment, the dark figure noticed under my left arm was my right hand which was pointing towards him. from that finger, blue was used, creating a powerful magnetic pull that pulled the dark figure away.

'I should keep one of them alive.' I realized these guys were not Japanese, but Chinese. they tried to act like shinobis, but they didn't carry the same air as the shinobi I faced last time.

facing my palm behind me, blue was used, taking hold of the other dark figure who had tried to get behind me towards the mansion, and pulling them back towards me. I waved my hand to the sky, and they all shot into the sky, it was almost like I had telekinesis.

'... oh?' I thought in shock as they so easily saw through the weakness of blue. I watched as the dark figure grabbed one of their member's legs, before throwing them. not toward the ground, or towards Blue, but to the side, allowing them to do a complete orbit around Blue and shoot towards me.

they had realized the pull was coming from one spot, it was pretty much a mini sun or something with a strong gravitational pull. with that in mind, all they needed to do was find the right angle and power to throw someone to allow them to make an orbit around Blue and attack me. simple work... but who said I can only cast blue one at a time?

What was the main cause for people dying from falls from high up? an object in motion wants to stay in motion. to travel at high speed and to bring yourself to an instant stop, would kill you. this is why cars are made to be easily destroyed in a car crash, the car would absorb most of the impact, instead of having you go from 60+ Mph to 0 in a heartbeat.

I held out my palm, creating another Blue which the dark figure shot towards. this increased the dark figure's speed, allowing him to easily pass through the blue. but he wasn't happy about this, this was because he could feel all of his blood being pulled toward his legs, leaving his head feeling light

He passed through many blues, all of them acting to speed him up, before disappearing before they could slow him down. the dark figure's pupils shrank as he went rocketing down towards the ground, at such speed he was falling, he would die for sure. 

Alex looked at him before simply walking to the side, leaving him to hit the ground with such power that a shock wave spread. he died instantly, his body a pancake.

"thats enough of showing off blue... what about red?" I said softly while looking at the dark figure in the sky who were orbiting around Blue, before they escaped its pull, shooting off to try and escape.

I held out my finger like a gun, causing a red orb to appear at my fingertip. I aimed at one of them before I fired red. the person who was the target moved, placing his sword before his chest to block the attack which had appeared before him at shocking speed. but to his horror, he was sent rocketing back, his sword cracking before it shattered, allowing the orb to easily pierce through his chest,

what was that you may ask? that was Reversed Limitless: Red. Red is the Cursed Technique Reversal of the Limitless, which reverses the effect of the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel. This is achieved by flowing reverse cursed energy into the power of the Limitless, creating a repelling effect rather than a magnetic one. This technique manifests as a small red orb that can unleash immense explosive force in an instant.

Generating the reverse cursed energy needed for Red is extremely difficult. It requires an even more complex manipulation of cursed energy than usual, making pulling off Cursed Technique Reversal even more sophisticated than using Cursed Technique Lapse. The user must multiply their negative energy by negative energy to create positive energy, a simple concept that proves to be extremely difficult in practice.

through a window, Riki who had sensed the chaos outside was shocked at the scene he was seeing. he watched as Alex disappeared, appearing below a group of dark figures that wanted to escape. and while holding his palm into the sky, he saw a scene he would never be able to forget.

a huge red beam swallowed 5 of the figures, but the beam didn't stop there it went upwards into the sky. luckily, this was invisible to the world, but the clouds above exploded apart before this power.

"J-just who is this?" Riki said as he watched Alex catch one of the dark figures and easily walk back to the mansion. it looked like a walk in the park for him to defeat so many rank 3 assassins, even he would need a few minutes to defeat all 8 of them. but Alex seemed as if he was playing around.

"Enjoyed the show?" I asked with a smile, Riki didn't know what to say. He realized that if the young boy before him wanted, he could have killed him at any time. This kid was dangerous.

"anyways, do you know Chinese?" I asked, to which Riki nodded slightly. the common people didn't need to learn many things, but for those in power, learning as many things as possible was a must. the more they learned, the better.

seeing him nod, I put the dark figure within genjutsu and had him spill the beans. an act which led Riki's face to turn dark upon what he heard. Japan and China were not friends, to normal people this went back to Word War 2, but it went back far further than that to the time of cultivators.

China saw Japan as weaklings who lowered their heads to the weak, Japan saw China as arrogant, Nationalistic, and power-hungry. 

what made Riki's face darken so much was that Rin's brother was working with China to assassinate RIn. From his guess, RIn's brother should have heard of some powerful expert stepping in to save Rin, so he asked for help. Riki wasted no time and called his brother, if this went wrong, a war between the two powers might break out.

'I should learn to speak more than one language,' I thought while heading off to watch Rin who was lost in in watching the scary movie. She was a bit uneasy watching that movie, but her skills in channeling curse energy had improved, it seemed like every 5 minutes she would be shocked. 

I went to take a seat, where I went through my writing once more. I used Blue and Red like I did to put a few theories to the test. but it was not so easy to just control time. if I had a time control technique, then I would not have a hard time doing this. this could take a few months or years.

While I was lost in my notes, at the college entrance, an ambulance had arrived to pick up Mark who had been badly injured, while the other 3 were being questioned by the police. they reported truthfully with what they remembered, two of them glaring at the one who backstabbed them.

"I... I don't know why I did it. I just couldn't take it anymore." he said softly while looking at his fist which was covered in blood, which was all Mark's blood. he was put in handcuffs and taken away.

while this was all happening, a group of student were watching this scene from their dorm room. among those watching were those from Lisa's dorm room, inside, Lisa didn't care for what was happening outside and was lost in depression 

"Lisa... Tyron had it coming, there are a bunch of other rich guys. you so easily got yourself someone like Tyron, and look at the stuff he bought you." Her dormmates said seeing how down Lisa was. news had spread of Tyron's family losing their money, and fame. Tryon was even kicked out of the hospital, unable to pay.

"It was stupid. he isn't even my type, what was the difference from selling my body? stupid" Lisa mumbled softly, tears slowly gathering in her eyes. Would she have ever done what she did if these girls hadn't put the idea of how much better she could do without Alex? 

"..." Lisa's dormmates were quiet, the thing with Alex left them all confused. As soon as Lisa was out of the way, Rin popped up, and honestly, they were envious of her beauty.

"Let's spread rumors about Rin, if you like Alex so much, you can rebuild your relationship with him," Emily said softly, she was a rich girl. unlike other girls who sought rich boyfriends, she was the type of boy would fight over. but she wasn't much of a beauty, leading to her wearing a lot of makeup at the time. she was a white girl, who was currently doing her nails while half-assedly looking out of the window

"what type of rumors?" Lisa asked her interest caught. she deeply regretted her choices, she just wanted Alex back. it was a stupid choice made to the poison these girls were feeding her. She did like Alex, she was the one to ask him out. Alex was shy and couldn't even muster up the strength to do anything romantic, which she found cute... but now he wouldn't even look her way. but she couldn't blame him, she couldn't even imagine how she hurt him that night.

so, the group began to go over a few plans, at first Alex was uneasy with such a thing, but seeing how everyone nodded their head to Emily's plans, she agreed her head as well. so, that night, a rumor began to start spreading about some rich girl who liked paying poor people to sleep with her...

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