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Kapitel 58: Chapter 58- Third Wife

Ren Uchiha POV

He sat and stared at the crystal within his palms. A crystal that came about in his Shadow Clones' quest to create new types of glass that can serve the world in new ways.

And in their quest, they had created a thousand kinds of glass. Some brittle, some almost indestructible, one than can bend without being broken, another that can retain a large amount of heat without melting.

Having experimented extensively with the final type of glass, his Shadow Clones successfully crafted a variant capable of containing vast amounts of chakra without fracturing.

He persisted in infusing the crystals with his chakra, monitoring his Status screen closely as a fraction of his immense chakra reserves was poured into the crystal.

The crystal, imbued with his chakra, continued to grow brighter and brighter until it looked like he was holding a veritable sun in the palm of his hands.

And then, it exploded in a sudden burst, sending razor-sharp shards flying in all directions alongside a scorching wave of heat capable of fatal consequences for any ordinary human at close range.

But since this was him, he didn't even suffer a scratch.

Instead, he stared at the broken shards of the crystal in deep thought.

At that moment, Mei appeared beside him, looking worried. She stared at the giant crater around him and then at his soot covered face. "I heard an explosion. What happened?"

"Just experimenting," he remarked casually before returning his gaze to the crystals, which had proven capable of containing chakra reserves equivalent to those of a Jounin before exploding.

His mind churned with numerous possibilities of how this crystal can be used. And the most basic use was obvious. As a chakra battery.

If a palm-sized crystal could store Jounin-level chakra, then what about one the size of a basketball? Or a yoga ball? Or even larger—a room-sized crystal, or perhaps even a crystal the size of a house. The possibilities stretched as far as his imagination dared to wander.

He'll have to do many more tests before he could come up with a conclusive answer. However, if this crystal could retain chakra for an extended duration without degradation, it would become a formidable asset for Konoha.

With such potential, he envisioned embedding dozens of these crystals within a seal, affixing it to a shinobi. This would grant the shinobi a simplified version of Tsunade's Strength of a Hundred Seals, amplifying their abilities significantly.

He envisioned distributing it to Chunin, empowering them to store chakra equivalent to Elite Jounin levels within the seal. This stored energy could then be utilized to unleash potent jutsu in dire combat scenarios.

Similarly, even a modest Jounin could harness Kage-level chakra. While it wouldn't guarantee victory against a true Kage-level opponent, it would certainly prolong their endurance in battle, offering a significant advantage.

Amidst his contemplations of creating such a seal, he felt the gentle pressure of soft breasts against his back as Mei enveloped him in her embrace.

"Here we are on our honeymoon, and you're still engrossed in your work. What a devoted husband I have," Mei teased, her affection unmistakable in her tone.

Taking her hand, he discreetly employed the Naraka Path to examine her. A smile graced his lips as he observed the anomaly within her womb.

He immediately pulled her down on his lap and stared into her eyes. "Mei" He said softly.


"Congratulations. You're pregnant." He said. Well, the truth was that she has been pregnant for almost two months now. But till now, the embryo had no soul in it.

He said 'till now' because over the past few days, he was able to sense a strange 'soul-like' spiritual energy gathering in her womb. And only today, did it coalesce into a proper soul.

He harbored several theories regarding the nature of the "soul-like" energy and its origin. Yet, in this moment, he set aside his scientific musings to cherish time with his beloved wife.

She appeared stunned by the revelation, tears streaming down her cheeks as she sought solace in his embrace, burying her face against his chest.

He enveloped her in his arms, sharing in her emotions before she lifted her gaze to meet his, sealing their bond with a tender kiss upon his lips.

"I'm going to be a mother." She said, crying and laughing at the same time. "I'll finally have a family of my own. Thank you, husband."

"You don't need to thank me for fucking you. But you're welcome." He said imperiously and Mei let out a chuckle before hitting him on the chest.


He thought about making another quip but then decided against it in favour pulling her back into a hug.

And then she murmured the three magical words and he paused, his attention diverted by the buzzing of his Company Device in his pocket.

It wasn't the first time Mei had confessed her love to him. But till now, it had failed to register as a true love confession. Perhaps Mei had abandonment issues or something and just didn't want to put her entire self out there.

However, it appeared that this reluctance was no longer an issue as he glanced at his Company Device and noticed a new entry alongside the Six Tails (familiar) and Ringo Ameyuri (waifu): Mei Terumi.

She was classified as a 6-Tier waifu, awarding him 30 points for her capture, elevating his total points to 66.

"I love you too, sweetheart," he reciprocated, contemplating the idea of extracting the tailed beasts within the Gedo Mazo and sealing them within Ringo and Mei.

Such an action would yield an additional 120 points, enhancing both the protection and power of his waifus. However, considering their current pregnancies, he resolved to postpone the plan until after they had given birth.


Minato Namikaze POV

He scowled at the messenger dispatched by the Wind Daimyo. "Say that once more," he demanded.

"The Wind Daimyo wishes to propose an official alliance with Konoha," the messenger reiterated. "He pledges to supply your village with all necessary missions and improve trade relations. In return, he seeks your assistance in integrating the Land of Rivers. He proposes dividing it, with each party claiming one half."

"And if I refuse to assist him in this endeavor?" he inquired.

"In that scenario, my lord will be disappointed," the messenger replied solemnly. "He'll have no option but to seek assistance from shinobi affiliated with other hidden villages. Some of the smaller hidden villages have been gaining prominence recently, and my lord sees no issue with supporting them if Konoha is unable to comply."

A year ago, such a threat might have elicited concern. After all, Konoha required all the funding it could secure. Furthermore, the prospect of the Wind Daimyo redirecting support to one of their 'rivals' was decidedly unpalatable.

But today, Konoha was financially robust, thanks to all their diverse array of products, thriving trade, and burgeoning alliances. They could readily forgo the Wind Daimyo's support without encountering any significant difficulties.

In fact, it would be safe to say that the Wind Daimyo needed them far more at this point, than they needed him.

With remnants of Kumo and Iwa launching attacks on Konoha, similar turmoil was unfolding in the Land of Wind, where remnants of Suna shinobi were currently stirring up trouble.

From what he'd gathered, these remnants had proven exceptionally ruthless. They not only targeted vital trade ports, factories, and mines but also desecrated the precious oases that sustained the people of the Land of Wind.

And despite all his methods, the Wind Daimyo has not met with great success in flushing out and dealing with these 'rebels'.

To say that the Wind Daimyo was quickly losing the support of his people and nobles at this point, would be an understatement.

The notion of attacking the Land of Rivers seemed increasingly perplexing. Perhaps the Daimyo sought to regain popularity by redirecting his people's focus toward a new enemy. If that were the case, he was certainly employing an ill-conceived strategy.

Attempting to deflect attention from internal conflict by inciting external warfare rarely yielded positive outcomes.

That didn't mean he would just sit back and do nothing.

Despite the diminishing significance of the Land of Wind, they remained Konoha's biggest and most influential allies.

Not to mention that the Wind Daimyo stuck with them even when their own Daimyo betrayed them. Sure, the Wind Daimyo only did it to spite Suna. He was still their only ally in their hour of need, and that counts for something.

That didn't mean that they can just let the Wind Daimyo dictate terms to them, of course.

"Konoha has never initiated an invasion with the aim of annexing territory from another nation. Moreover, even if we were to consider such actions, the Land of Rivers is geographically distant from Konoha village. How would seizing a portion of that land benefit us in any way?" he queried.

And so the negotiation went, back and forth for a long hour until the messenger finally left, having achieved nothing of note.

This was merely a delaying tactic though, and a problem that he would have to solve sooner or later.

Leaning back in his chair, he shifted his focus to the offer extended by the Water Daimyo.

The coward was asking for his help now that his actions of killing the remnants of Kiri has come to bite him in the ass. Making him far more enemies than he can afford to deal with.

He might have dismissed the message outright if not for the names of the two shinobi spearheading the rebellion against the Water Daimyo: Kisame and Juzo Biwa, former members of the Akatsuki.

With such formidable figures at the forefront, he anticipated a swift overthrow of the Water Daimyo, likely leading to the installation of another noble in due time. Unless, of course, one of these two decided to ascend to the position of Daimyo themselves.

A shinobi as a daimyo. That could be… interesting.

It was unlikely that the people would accept either Kisame or Juzo Biwa as their Daimyo. And he curious to see how either these two would deal with the situation if they indeed end up ruling the Land of Water.

It would certainly provide him ideas for when he starts his own conquest.


Ren Uchiha POV

They removed their clothes in a frenzy. Their marriage garments removed and discarded to the side. He hadn't expected her enthusiasm, considering her usually prude nature.

But it seems like marriage had removed all the last bit of restraints from Pakura.

"Ren," she moaned as he captured her breast with his mouth, teasing and tantalising her sensitive flesh with his teeth, eliciting delightful squirms from her as she lay beneath him.

In the past six months, since he began fucking Ringo and later with Mei, he had honed his sexual prowess to a considerable degree, refining it into an art form.

His expertise, coupled with the sex-related jutsu he had mastered, ensured that none of his partners would ever be left unsatisfied.

This was unmistakably demonstrated by Pakura's ecstatic scream as soon as he parted her folds with his tongue and stimulated the sensitive nub nestled within. A torrent of orgasmic fluid erupted from her in short bursts, staining the mattress beneath them.

"Oh, Kami, yes," Pakura sighed heavily, her ample breasts rising and falling with each breath. She cast her gaze down at him, their eyes locking for a fleeting moment. He found great satisfaction in the way she nibbled on her bottom lip and gripped the sheets tightly at her sides. He knew that this was only the beginning, and by the time he was finished with her, she would be reduced to a writhing, moaning mess—completely at his mercy, ready for him to indulge in however he pleased.

He smiled back at her and used his fingers to spread her pussy open for him, getting a good view of her pink folds once again before he dove inside.

"Ren!" His newlywed wife gasped as he gently teased her sensitive nub, relishing in her ardent response as she writhed against him. The bed groaned beneath her considerable strength as he pinned her down, inciting her to unleash her wild desires.

In mere moments, she reached the peak of ecstasy, her pussy convulsing around his lips as her legs trembled over his shoulders. Her entire body tensed with the intensity of the experience before she finally relaxed, appearing almost boneless as she melted into the bed.

With the deed done, he maneuvered across the bed until they were eye to eye, relishing in the sight of her slightly unfocused gaze.

She was an S-class kunoichi, yet he had brought her to this state in mere minutes. It felt like triumph, like a conquest—a sensation akin to defeating her on the battlefield months prior.

"Wife," he murmured, leaning in to capture her lips. Pakura grasped his face, eagerly reciprocating the kiss despite her evident lack of experience.

That was fine; he had all the time in the world to guide her toward becoming a better lover. But for now, for today, he would dedicate himself to bring pleasure her. To love her in a way that she'd never been loved before. To make sure she would never forget this night.

He lined his cock up with her cunt and Pakura looked down. A worried look formed on her face at the size and girth of it, despite the fact that he'd carefully crafted it so that it would be above average but nothing too excessive. Knowing that too big a cock was more often a hindrance unlike what was so often seen in porn movies.

"Will it fit?" She asked, biting her lips in the most delectable way, her cheeks flushed red with arousal.

He kissed her once again. "Don't worry about that love. I can use Iryojutsu to numb the pain if you want?"

Pakura considered it for a brief moment before shaking her had.

"No. I want to experience this. Of all the pain I've endured in my life, this is the one I desire the most," she declared before reaching down to grasp his member, giving it a few tentative strokes.

"Hold it firmer," he instructed, guiding her through the fundamental motions of a proficient handjob. Although he was already fully aroused with anticipation, he didn't mind the additional stimulation.

"Now, position it," he directed, observing as Pakura hesitated momentarily before pushing past her uncertainty and aligning his bulbous head between her pussy lips.

"Anything else, husband?" She asked, giddy at the use of that word, like only newly weds ever are.

He was gentle with her, enjoying the way her face squirmed from the slight pain and discomfort as he pushed his cock inside her slick, hot folds, until he was fully resting with her.

She was virgin, from what she had told him, even though she lost her hymen from her shinobi training a long time ago. And judging by current reactions, he was inclined to believe her.

Universal Calibration for the win once again.

"I feel so full," Pakura murmured amidst gasps, as he allowed her a moment to acclimate to the sensation of his cock inside her. She would become familiar with this feeling over the course of their three-month honeymoon.

"Get ready. I'm going to start moving," he informed her, sensing her weak legs wrap around his waist in an attempt to draw him deeper.

"Do it," she urged him, prompting a smirk to play across his lips as he looked down at her. With a deliberate motion, he withdrew his rigid member until only its head remained nestled within her, before thrusting back in deeply, ensuring to target her sensitive spot. It was slightly more challenging to reach from this angle, but he was determined to make it work.

Pakura gasped once he was fully inside her, before he pulled out and started rhythmically thrusting inside her in long, deep strokes, enjoying being within her depths just as much as he enjoyed the play of emotions on her face.

Her insides were hot. Hotter than either Ringo or Mei had been, and he wondered if her Scorch Release had anything to do with that. Well, something to think about later.

"Oh Kami, Ren, don't stop, please." Pakura said amidst gasps and heavy sighs as he continued to fuck her in that slow, rhythmic pattern until he felt her pussy starting to flutter around his cock, a telltale hitch of her breath, at which point he sped up.

It didn't take long before Pakura reached her third climax since they began their lovemaking, her body trembling beneath him as he remained buried deep within her. Her eyes rolled back in blissful ecstasy as she surrendered to the waves of pleasure coursing through her.

As she gradually regained her composure, her breaths came in hot and heavy, and she gazed up at him with a mixture of awe and wonder. "That was... amazing," she breathed out.

He chuckled softly at her words, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. They shared a moment of intense heat, with Pakura striving to match his fervor before he withdrew from her and gently turned her around.

"Ren?" She asked, confused. As if she didn't know that people can be fucked from behind. Given her virginity, the absence of a porn industry in their world, and her generally conservative nature, it was likely she had no prior exposure to such experiences.

That, sent another jolt of excitement through him. To make her experience something new with him. To claim her first and be her first.

"I'm going to take you from behind," he declared, guiding her onto her knees and gripping her soft buttocks, spreading them wide apart until he could once again catch a glimpse of her quivering pussy.

He absorbed the sight before him, activating his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and etching the image into his memory, although his eidetic memory rendered it unnecessary.

Tracing her pussy lips with his finger, he relished the way her entire body shuddered in response. As he lightly grazed his thumb over her puckered hole, he observed with amusement as Pakura instinctively clenched it shut, resembling a touch-me-not plant.

She gasped at the touch, her expression shifting between shock and confusion as she glanced back at him, likely unaware of the concept of anal sex. That was fine; he had plenty of time to introduce her to such experiences. She belonged to him now—his wife, his lover, his partner.

Returning her smile, he positioned himself against her and pushed inside once more, sheathing himself completely within her cunt.

It promised to be a long and pleasurable night for Pakura Uchiha, his third wife.


AN: That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day. 

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