/ Anime & Comics / A Fish Out of Water

A Fish Out of Water Original

A Fish Out of Water

Anime & Comics 51 Kapitel 355.5K Ansichten

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A man is reincarnated with a chat group connection.
The groups mission, help the multiverse handle internal and external threats.
His mission - Survive

Disclaimer: I only own my characters.
The picture is not mine, all rights to their respective owners.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. CookieMonster9001
    CookieMonster9001 Beigetragen 158
  2. PanditThanos69
    PanditThanos69 Beigetragen 10
  3. WispInABottle
    WispInABottle Beigetragen 6

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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I just finished the newly released 5th chapter. I would say it's off to a pretty good start. The main character doesn't seem too OP at the moment and they seem to be focusing on upgrading the group chat system. Looking forward to more updates.

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LV 4 Badge

The concept is unique and actually nice to read. Pros: Good development of powers MC is ruthless MC uses his powers wisely The familia he joins is different from clishe Cons No romance aspect yet? Will it not happen? The conversations should be shown. Right now all we can read is what the MC is thinking. Could add more POVs of others as well. The MC should be made more likeable. I mean he had a wife b4? So why is he going to the red light district? I mean he can but he seems unfaithful now. Overall it's a good idea and could be built into a great story. I hope author continues and improves in future chapters. Thanks.

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to be honest this is a good story, but unfortunately this style of writing is very boring, let me tell those of you who haven't read it. The form used here is like a journal Which tells what activities he was doing with the messed up Time skip. there is very little interaction between characters, thereby reducing the pleasure of reading the story.

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I like my story. Some parts may be rewritten. Just want to get the ideas out there.

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boring . .... .. .. . . . . . .. . .. ... .. .. .... . . . @... ..

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