/ Anime & Comics / Ms. Misfit (Karma x Reader)

Ms. Misfit (Karma x Reader) Original

Ms. Misfit (Karma x Reader)

Anime & Comics 27 Kapitel 83.5K Ansichten

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"I thought you liked me," Y/N stuttered.

"You actually thought I liked you because I teased you? How old are we Y/N?"

(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Maybe it was Karma's fault for always teasing her, but soon she began to grow feelings for the boy, something that he was clever enough to know about.

Slowly, Y/N was turning hopeless and it didn't help her either when all the things that Karma said were true. She wasn't capable of being an assassin - she lacked the knowledge as well as physical strength.

Y/N was a misfit in a class full of misfits.



  1. Ceoofdumbcentral
    Ceoofdumbcentral Beigetragen 1
  2. Kat_Maree
    Kat_Maree Beigetragen 1
  3. Sleep_Deprived_Joy
    Sleep_Deprived_Joy Beigetragen 1

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen


  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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If you are reading this, then you should definitely read this fanfic. It's a work of art, the grammar is great, the story is lively, and the characters feel real and have relatable emotions. It feels unlike most of the fanfics on this site. If you read this far, then you should have a reason to check this masterpiece out. Go on now.

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