/ Anime & Comics / SCP-4902 The Gate

SCP-4902 The Gate Original

SCP-4902 The Gate

Anime & Comics 16 Kapitel 143.2K Ansichten
Autor: Artemis099

Zu wenig Bewertungen

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


"When you've seen monsters ripping limbs apart, reality breaking down, and a 7 foot-tall Cthulu that causes orgies, a portal to an alternate reality may seem like every other Tuesday, but trust me, this is a whole different kind of shit. I think dying in the cold mountains of a different world is better than being poofed out of existence." -MTF Operative Lieutenant Richard.

(SCP Foundation Mythos x Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri)

General Audiences


  1. Artemis099
    Artemis099 Beigetragen 10
  2. Lazy_Asshole
    Lazy_Asshole Beigetragen 5
  3. Hystroixs_Lv99
    Hystroixs_Lv99 Beigetragen 2

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen


  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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Scp-4902 is different the gate is Scp-001 Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!! Scp is cool!!!

2 Antworten anzeigen

I haven't even read the story... The only reason I am giving it a 5 star is because of the synopsis... Cause that is the most SCP-like synopsis if I've read one...

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Read so many gate fan fics but this is one of the best gate stories I ever read I mean the Grammer is nice and everything - perfect it was perfect everything down to the last minute details

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I've been waiting for this, Scp and Gate was something new to me and very addicted to read. This is a very interesting story that the scp or gate fans needs to read.

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Autor Artemis099