/ Book&Literature / The SCP Experience.

The SCP Experience. Original

The SCP Experience.

Book&Literature 13 Kapitel 193.9K Ansichten
Autor: ImRacistXD

4.1 (10 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Jason Chao. In his previous life, he was a hardened and experienced assassin (Sort of childish though). Well, that part isn't really that important. Anyway. He was reincarnated in this familiar fun genocidal universe, the place where the SCP Mythos took place. As a D-Class Personnel of the SCP Foundation. Good thing he came with a handy object of much power. A really handy thing.

Warning: Contains quite a lot of cursing.

Grammar is garbage.

The reasoning is garbage.

No Plot.

English is my first language, but it's still garbage.

Disclaimer: Besides OC, nothing belongs to me.

Some SCP Slang In The Story:

D-Class Personnel: D-Boys (Regardless Of Gender)

SCP-173: Peanut.

SCP-939: Dog.

SCP-096: The Shy Guy (Duh.)

SCP-106: Larry.

SCP-018: The Ball.

The SCP Foundation: Stupid Careless Pushovers.

I play SCP: Secret Laboratory too much. Lol.

Writer: S.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Over_Lord_9904
    Over_Lord_9904 Beigetragen 14
  2. ObamaUchiha
    ObamaUchiha Beigetragen 10
  3. ImRacistXD
    ImRacistXD Beigetragen 7

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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Please enjoy. If you can. Probably can't though. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...........v

6 Antworten anzeigen

1.8 the biggest turn off is the obviously childish characters which I guess the author is either super young or his/her personality is just younger. the "comedy?" idk what it is, is just really really bad. the dialogue reminds me of a looby chat from call of duty 2. that's it really. and one more thing, the power is cool and it might just be because its early in the chaps, (13), but his power is super weak and boring right now.

4 Antworten anzeigen

Scp SL fan, automatic 5 stars just to fill the requirementjust to fill the requirementjust to fill the requirementjust to fill the requirement

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I really liked the story as it was really interesting and entertaining, the humor was great and the cheat was interesting while not too op. I would live to see more.

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Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore

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seems nice Gunter, why did you gunt my fries? I gunted them, and they were mine.What kind of gunt gunts his Gunter's fries, And doesn't even gunt him in the eyes? Gunter, there were tears there. If you gunted them, would you even care?Gunter, do you even love me?

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okay let me give a run down of what this is well it's just an scp style comedy with some drama from what i have seen so far... so yeah that all i have to say. have a good day

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More. I demand more. . .

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Autor ImRacistXD