/ Book&Literature / The True Child Of Chaos (Percy Jackson Fanfic)

The True Child Of Chaos (Percy Jackson Fanfic) Original

The True Child Of Chaos (Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Book&Literature 45 Kapitel 437.1K Ansichten

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An alternate timeline, another life, a new destiny.

Percy has a fate greater than any other in this universe and any other that exists. Born from the creator Chaos herself and adopted by Order and Poseidon Percy is bestowed a impossible destiny.

Separated from his mother the first day he was brought into this world his life is off to a rough start. What challenges will he face? What mistakes will he make along the way? Will he rule over his destiny or be crushed by it?

What will the future hold for Percy Jackson, not even the fates can tell.

Follow along as Percy discovers his heritage, falls in love, and challenges his fate. For the sake of his loved ones and the future of the universe he will walk a path none have treaded before.

Rated M: gore, blood, lemons, harem, dark themes, and other tear-jerking moments.

This is a rewrite of the original story The true child of Chaos


No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. N1ture
    N1ture Beigetragen 33
  2. Omegadab
    Omegadab Beigetragen 24
  3. nutsofthechest
    nutsofthechest Beigetragen 15

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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can someone please do a review so I can read this with a piece of mind?

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Great read as I have never given a review to anyone this book impressed me. keep up the great work also update at least one a week so as to get more people interested.

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