jd1270168 - Profile



female LV 5

I enjoy reading

2019-11-21 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 17

Moments 4408


Have you met Perry? I’m sure he’d love to pick your brain

Her job was a lot wilder than her husband's. He had ended up working at an engineering firm he interned with after graduation. It wasn't quite the dream job yet—he wanted to work with robotics someday if possible—but it was still a job in his field and paid really well for one straight out of school. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



"Almost a year," Rachel confessed. "I knew I didn't ever want to be without you again pretty early on in our relationship. I was just waiting for you to catch up."

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



Felix and Brandon remained at the table until the first slow song came on. Rachel was surprised by the tap on her shoulder and turned to see Felix looking at her with a small smile on his face. "Want to dance?"

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



Rachel was not the damsel in distress that she had been when they met. She could handle herself perfectly fine, even if seeing her did bring out his protective instincts. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to Mcllorycat


Right. She had asked him for help. He didn't know how exactly he could help her since it would be easier to call the police but his phone was dead. Before they figured that out, he felt like he should know her name.

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to sgcuddlebug

I’m sure he would come out of retirement for the right reasons

Sick and pathetic. Both of them. They didn't deserve to be thought about at all. So why did she have to show up out of nowhere so many years after Rachel was free?

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to WalkerBoh

I had a friend who was a manager of a McDonalds and he always ran a good store but didn’t mind too much if the workers goofed off as long as they got their job done

She should try to find something with more consistent hours and a schedule that didn't change. Maybe something on campus. She had stuck with Burger Barn because it had been convenient but there had to be better options somewhere. She just had to find them. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


Yeah. What? I would have made Jewel pay her all the and revenue her channel had gotten

"Not a clue. Nothing about Jewel having a ghost singer ever came out publicly. She sort of just dropped off the radar," Felix said. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



Dana didn't share the same passion for music. She liked the trumpet and all but didn't want to play it professionally. She wanted to major in English and become a book editor, saying she couldn't think of anything better than being paid to read. That did seem right up her alley. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I mean time was of the essence….so

Either way, Derek was glad she wasn't put out about having another baby around. It wasn't that he was exactly either but having two kids so close in age was going to be rough. He was just going to have to deal with it. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I have to go to the airport in a few weeks and I don’t wanna

She had forgotten how busy airports were. At least they didn't have to wait too long before boarding. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to WalkerBoh

Oh the things that could happen


There were plenty of other people who were still here who were happy for him though. Even if they were all shocked. Mateo couldn't believe Joy was actually willing to put up with him on a permanent basis when he called and if Derek could have throttled him through the phone, he would have. Without hesitation. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


Shouldn’t it say what Rachel said earlier ?


Maybe it’s time to think of him that way and see if that’s a possibility for you

Was her crazy thought from before actually right? Was Derek upset thinking that she was still in love with Paul because he liked her? What could she even do if that was the case? She had never once thought of him in a romantic context because that wasn't the sort of relationship they had. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I’m sure Hunter could run an ad for his band like he did for Gwen’s art and they’d have that new equipment in no time

Now that the trial was over, he could wash his hands of this and go back to his normal life without having to worry about her and how she was doing. She was in good hands. She had a bunch of people who cared about her now. She didn't have to spend all of her time shut up alone anymore. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

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