Webnovel Author: FlammableFire - Fanfic Collection



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Is fire flammable? That is the question.

2020-01-18 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 8

Moments 2631



Rigel nodded to Daphne and after a couple of nods back and forth the group divided into two parts with Rigel and Minerva walking toward Diagon Alley while Daphne and Adorabella stayed behind.

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict



Once seated, Watson Wick was the first to speak. "Are you really a worker from Hugwarts?"

Hogwarts' John Wick

Hogwarts' John Wick

Book&Literature · Dragonel23



"Believe it or not, but if you call my work clothes trash one more time, I'll take you to an XXXL fashion show!"

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender


Then are thunderstorms no longer a thing?

"Zero. There's no electricity worldwide. As soon as you try to generate electrical energy, it's as if something suppresses it. Muggle scientists say it feels like they are trying to set fire to wood deep underwater."

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender


Girl's got a wiki page in her head.

"European face with subtle Slavic features, well-defined lines, expressive cheekbones, and a slightly aggressive gaze. Dark as the night hair, brown eyes with a hint of red now and then. Dressed in a dark burgundy English suit with a white handkerchief in the pocket."

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender



The part about women Asmodeus didn't listen to, but he listened to everything else

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender


The return key... press it.


"In 50 years, magic had declined to a level where even the strongest among us could barely move. Although our bodies now began to produce mana in large quantities, it was still insufficient... We decided that our last hope was that our descendants would gradually restore magic to its former glory! Then, many high-ranking wizards began using their methods to preserve their lives. For example, we preserved our souls and bodies in this stone. To be more precise, there is a liquid inside the stone—it's dew collected from the moonflower. It can hold our souls and bodies inside almost indefinitely. Moreover, such a method allows us to continue observing the world. The problem was that when we started preparing for the ritual, the Romans attacked these lands... We wanted to help the locals, but we decided that continuing the legacy of the druids was more important... So, placing our bodies and souls in this space, we began to wait. Wait for someone with enough mana in their body to appear because that would mean that modern wizards are now comparable in strength to us in the past. And they can restore magic's recognition. We just had to wait... Honestly, waiting took us a long time. We witnessed the fall of civilizations, armies, wars, and much more. Gradually, we felt that magic in the world began to strengthen again, although not enough for us to emerge from the stone, but enough for us to use some magic. We decided to explore the world, becoming one with the nearby animals in spirit. We saw that the world was on the brink of war. Ordinary people, this rabble, dared to hunt wizards! How could they, without us, human civilization would not have reached even a fraction of the greatness it has now! But seeing this, we understood why magic in the world began to strengthen again. We expected that wizards would soon win the war and show why one should fear magic and the forces of nature. But! Do you know what they did? Idiot wizards buried their heads in the sand like ostriches, adopting some law they called the 'Statute of Secrecy.' This idiotic action weakened the already weakened magical force in the world... Honestly, we lost hope. Until you appeared. As soon as you took the stone, we felt that there was no less mana in you than in an average wizard of our time. We were so happy; we could finally return to the world! We thought until you handed the stone to that alchemist... although he has an amazing body that has lived for more than 600 years. But damn it, why does he have so little mana!!! There is barely half of what we saw in you!! This shouldn't be, he's clearly much older than you by tens of times, and with age, magic in the body should strengthen! Therefore, we decided to ask you personally about the state of the magical world at the moment. Could you please explain to us what is happening in the world now, and why you have so much mana in your body, while an old man like us has so little?"

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender


Well... this is one way to conceal information from readers... just make a paragraph so big that no one will want to read it.

"Then... Our group lived somewhere two and a half thousand years ago. Magic was at its dawn back then... ordinary people respected wizards, and magical creatures were considered gods. There were countless types of wizards. Druids, summoners, necromancers, Animancers, enhancement mages, time mages, blood mages, voodoo practitioners, runic masters, psions, Beast Masters, witchers, temple mages, elemental mages like you, and many more kinds of wizards. Each mage studied the branch of magic closest to them. But one day, all powerful wizards felt that magic in the world began to weaken. We and other mages of our level tried to find the reason for this phenomenon, and it seemed that we succeeded. We learned that the world suddenly became smaller. Literally smaller. Previously, there were 20 continents in this world, and after the disappearance of a large part of the mana, we realized that we had lost contact with many familiar ones from other continents. After that, we sent an expedition around the world to discover that there were only 6 continents left. We understood that the reason for the decrease in mana in the world was that there were fewer wizards and people who believed in magic. In our time, wizards relied much more on the mana floating in the air than you and people of your time. Understanding that due to the loss of so many people, there would gradually be not enough magic for our level of life in the world, we decided to direct our research in another direction. How to wait for the moment when magical energy in the world would strengthen again. You know, although magic depends on people's belief in it, it is only part of what mana represents. We were sure that as long as people continued to believe in magic, magic would not disappear completely from the world. Rather, it would weaken. But there was no longer a place for us in this world. Our bodies were sustained by the magic we consumed from nature, and other types of mages of our level simply absorbed the mana floating in space. The only good news was that over time we noticed that wizards born after the weakening of magic in the world began to produce more magic with their bodies. We were lucky; wizards no longer depended on magic in space as much, but they themselves became small generators of magic. Although it was not a solution to the problem... Because the more powerful magic is used, the more mana is consumed, and many wizards couldn't use the magic passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, gradually, wizards began to develop new methods of magic. That's how our descendants became the wizards you are now!"

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender



But before he could celebrate, Anna snatched the card from his hands and tucked it into her chest pocket.

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender



"Ah..." Rita sighed, just as she was about to go out for a smoke. The fireplace at the award ceremony is lit up! Asmodeus has arrived!

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender

Replied to Hades_1983

Unreliable narrator.

Otherwise, who would have believed that a little wizard who was only eleven years old would have such an achievement?

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender



After a couple of minutes, "I feel it, I feel the magic."

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender



Some potions use their meat, and the smell and taste are the same."

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Hogwarts : leveling up the world

Movies · The_last_airbender

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