KCIRDNEH - Profile


male LV 3


2020-05-01 Beigetreten Brazil

Abzeichen 7

Moments 86



Lith breathed in through his diaphragm while relaxing the anus to draw the world energy in.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Ah! hadn't noticed it. Guess your timeskip worked pretty well the lol

Rectus was surprised but then he recalled an incident. He said, "My sister asked me a few nights ago if it was possible for anyone to cast spells without the incantation. It seems like, this child really is a treasure."

Valerian, The Legendary

Valerian, The Legendary



Wasn't it a few years ago when he first cast a spell? I mean, he got magic on his seventh birthday and healed the flower a few months later and he is already ten now

Rectus was surprised but then he recalled an incident. He said, "My sister asked me a few nights ago if it was possible for anyone to cast spells without the incantation. It seems like, this child really is a treasure."

Valerian, The Legendary

Valerian, The Legendary



Be polite, be efficient and always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


They simply called this type of coldness "murder math". Basically, it was a habit experienced fighters developed — no matter where they were and what mood they were in, there was always a sober part of their minds constantly calculating the most efficient way of killing the person in front of them, just in case such need arises.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree



"For those who don't know me, my name is Darius Dule."

Is that a Wisp?

Is that a Wisp?

Eastern · Suiyan


he's gonna redirect some lightning


The sound of thunder immediately reverberated in the sky.



Fantasy · Springs_Halo

Replied to Dragon_scar999

Phineas has

Grey stood up and looked at his hands which looked rough for someone his age. It has been 3 years since the day of the test. After wallowing in sadness for some time, he was able to pick himself up. One day during dinner, Martha suggested he should start training his body since there was no way he could hone it using the element which would in turn keep him healthy. At first, he rejected the idea, but after multiple convincing from Martha, he finally decided to try it out.



Fantasy · Springs_Halo

Replied to Weezyf

It was said they got 100 free points for being otherworlders or something without needing to level up so maybe she just put it all in agility.

Replied to Rat_King0207

Replied to RoanTale


Well pretty sure he's the who would worry the most since his daughter is the "tank" of the party and probably would be the first to fall if it came to the point of someone in the party dying.

Su entered the room helping a skinny and frail looking women with white hair and warm features to sit down. "This is my mother Helena I apologize for the late introduction but she is often ill so we take priority over resting. Behind me is my father Frederick" as a man with grey and brown peppered hair came behind Su he was tall and tired looking. One could tell from the etched lines on his face he spends too much time in worry.

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to zirt

Well, it did say he spent 15 years to get that much even without spending anything since I guess his parents would be the ones buying food and clothes and everything.

"Holy lord that's 500G I've never seen that much." Remey dug her hands in to the box letting the gold fall through her fingers

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to ElGuap0

school arcs can be well written it all depends on the autor.

"My young heroes. I welcome you and pass to you the King's blessing. I shall award all of you with a medal to allow travel in my name. You shall receive the amethyst mansion which has been abandoned for many years and in need of new owners to bring it back to glory. If you do choose you may enter any academy or school of battle, magic, or otherwise within the kingdom. All who see these young ones here know this! They are protected and fostered by myself as King and the adventures guild. To harm them is to harm me and the kingdom itself. You have been warned!"

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


How old are the "Triple G" members?

"Yea that's us, we made that name since the three of us all have names that start with G! Can you please tell us your party name?" Gloria the water mage has spoken up despite the obvious bruising to her face which was surely painful at the moment.

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to aedwards_120

You see it's breaking you fix it probably only specific sistems can see durability of specific items. Like a blacksmith sees durability of a weapon and an archtect sees the durability of a house.

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Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to KingGeorg


Dinner passed quickly and not surprisingly Midnight took it upon herself to follow Lisa everywhere. Lisa seemed very happy with this development proclaiming Midnight to be her new little sister.

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to 1_step_closer

Go back and read his mother's description she has the hairstyle of the mothers that die. So yeah expect to happen at some point in the future.

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Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


The diference between me and an artist? Details

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Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to Saiya_Sheep

Maybe in this case the "leader" is more like a "buffer" that has abilities to help the party in general like a support that can also attack and act as vanguard.

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Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

Replied to KingGeorg

Ash was ten when he also went out to cath them all.

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Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1

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