Callmekelsopapi_69 - Profile



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Just getting in to reading

2020-06-01 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 5

Moments 5613


lol I just got the ping reference


"It took a few nights, but yeah. Xing stopped screaming after his…fifth night, I think. Then he eventually stopped kicking, and blasting fire, and eventually he was sleeping just like everyone else." It also helped break down the boy's fear and reluctance of the regiment. Was this also a reason why Xing sent her and Ping to this task?

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt



Ren nodded again. "After we rescued him. He was so terrified of all of us, thought us all monsters. His ordeal was…it scarred his mind." She found herself smiling sadly as she remembered the first days with a conscious Xing. "When he slept, he was plagued with nightmares, kicking and screaming and even firebending…"

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


lol basically a scared straight moment for azula


At his hurried nods, she sighed and resumed following after Mozi. "Come, I've had my fill of battlefields for today."

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to Kapuchinik

Zing is 13-14 and she is 11-12

Azula blinked several times as she saw practically all of the colonel. The cloak around him covered barely enough, and even then she could make out obscured movements within the shadows. Xing was quite…well built, she noted. There were some faded scars on his lean frame, including one that ran diagonally right to left across his belly. For some reason, having the lower half of the scar and most of the boy's hips blocked by the cloak annoyed Azula's senses.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt



The Young Dragon stood in the midst of a blackened crater, practically naked save for some scraps of burnt clothing. Unbridled malice radiated from the boy, bringing with it a promise of death.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt



Borgu's struggles ended abruptly when an explosion boomed from behind him. He didn't have the time to react as a red-hot iron ball tore through rock and men, bouncing off the ground to plow through his left chest.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


I feel you should have made everyone older arthor

A sudden stray thought wriggled and screamed in her head: Not that she would mind having Xing dressing down for her.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt



Remembering the white flames, Azula nodded her understanding and couldn't fully keep herself from grinning at picturing Xing adopting a stance and erasing the insolent enemies. And as of late, just imagining the boy in any form made the princess feel…funny.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to RyunjuSimu

Healing/warmth and Destroying flame that the truth of fire bending

…and an intense blast of heat washed across the left side of her face, coupled with a deafening roar. And then it was gone, leaving relieving coolness to soak across her warmed skin.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt



The boy's stare blazed for a second, and she noticed how his eyes then glazed over with hostility. "As you wish, princess," he said flatly while bowing deeply. "I deeply apologize in advance for the offense I will commit." With that, he adopted a crouched, almost hunched stance.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


Han zhao

"No, you're free to pick who you deem fitting. Oh…" The boy paused for a second, and Koshi saw from the smirk that twitched at the edge of his lips that an unreasonable request was coming. "Don't recruit anyone named Han just yet."

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


That’s your job

The room was silent for a moment before the professor replied, "All I ask is that you learn from this experience and strive to do better. Each of you could have avoided the incident on the basketball court." His eyes landed on Tyson, "Had you communicated to your peers about the limited control you have over your powers, the entire misunderstanding may have been sidestepped."

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda



Illyana looked at Tyson, a hint of gratitude leaked through her heavy accent. "You saved me back there. That's two I owe you now. Thank you." Her eyes roved over Tyson, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I wonder," she began, her tone teasing, "was he afraid to fight us, or another devil? The look suits you." She gestured to his now reddish skin and the long, sinuous tail that snaked behind him.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda




But there was a problem. Limbo was a part of her. She should be at peace here, as she had always been. It was her sanctuary. Yet something felt unsettlingly wrong. The usually dim and eerie light of Limbo seemed to flicker menacingly and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She could feel the realm was filled with unfamiliar presences. Something that has never happened before. Something that should be impossible. Only Tyson and herself should be in Limbo. But she sensed other strange and foreign beings. 

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda


Not in his case

Jean simply nodded, her eyes softening. "Just remember, every choice we make defines us. It's a constant battle, especially here, where we're all trying to find ourselves."

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda



Before he could finish his sentence, Jubilee swung the door open fully, revealing another girl standing just behind her. His eyes widened slightly as he took her in. A figure with fiery red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Her deep-set eyes were a remarkable shade of green. An air of gentleness hung about her, a stark contrast to the palpable energy that Jubilee seemed to radiate. She wore a simple, fitted green dress that accentuated her slender figure and stopped just above her knees. Her bare arms were lean yet strong, adorned with a simple silver bracelet. 

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda



Before he could finish his sentence, Jubilee swung the door open fully, revealing another girl standing just behind her. His eyes widened slightly as he took her in. A figure with fiery red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Her deep-set eyes were a remarkable shade of green. An air of gentleness hung about her, a stark contrast to the palpable energy that Jubilee seemed to radiate. She wore a simple, fitted green dress that accentuated her slender figure and stopped just above her knees. Her bare arms were lean yet strong, adorned with a simple silver bracelet. 

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda


There are plenty of genius that can do something for you

Jubilee looked at him, her expression softening. She seemed to be studying him, her gaze making him feel seen in a way he hadn't in a long while. "You're not bad looking, you know. Maybe you'll figure out how to control it, or find a workaround."

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda


He’s become sabertooth

Tyson could feel Sabertooth weakening in his grasp, but a new, darker urge whispered not to relent. The satisfaction of dominating his fierce adversary was tantalizing. His blood ran down his back from Sabertooth's relentless clawing, but as the pain mingled with adrenaline, it was overshadowed by the intoxicating rush of absorbing such raw power. Initially, Tyson had barely kept pace with Sabertooth's wild strength. Yet, with every passing second, the balance shifted. Tyson's muscles pulsed with an energy he had never known, his body grew to match Sabertooth's massive size, and a hint of sadistic pleasure gleamed in his eyes as he felt his power eclipsing that of the weakened Sabertooth.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to OverlordBGs

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